corporate Training needs assessment

Why is a Learning Strategy and Training Needs Assessment So Important?

Change may be driven by mergers and acquisitions, global market trends, new ownership, and shifts in internal or external economics. Training is an enabler to change. Regardless of the drivers, we provide learning services that are best practices in training needs assessments and learning strategies.
Organizations that survive and prosper through change are those that have the right people, processes, and technology in place to maximize the opportunities that change presents.


Is your organization ready to benefit from our training needs assessment and comprehensive learning services?

Without a training needs assessment you may reach the finish line and get the project done, but will the training course be effective in providing the skills and knowledge employees need and meet the business objectives?

Here’s why a training needs analysis can help you win the training finish line.

  • Uncover the true training needs.
    Managers close to a project may think they know the training needs, but there are often other factors that need to be addressed. By having an objective your Instructional designer can develop the right questions to help true issues be uncovered before training development.

  • Determine who requires the training.
    Different employees have the varying skill and knowledge levels. Depending on the topic, some may need the training and others may not. By performing a needs assessment you can identify those employees who require training or determine different levels of training or modalities to meet the specific needs of the audience.

  • Identify the tasks needed to do the job.
    Review the main duties of the role and analyze the skills required to perform these tasks effectively. This will help you identify the knowledge and skills needed to close the gap between current and desired performance.

  • Is training the right solution?
    Part of the needs assessment is a training suitability analysis. This will allow you to determine if training is the right solution to address the business need, or if another course of action should be taken. 

  • Content analysis.
    Before developing the training, review the existing training content as well as any company policies, procedures, and documents that are utilized on the job. What resources do employees access every day, and from where is this information obtained? Consider interviewing a subject matter expert to ensure the content still matches the current job requirements or if any updates need to be made and new material developed.

Before you begin your next training project, read through these 7 Pitfalls to Avoid by Completing Your Training Needs Assessment

Corporate Training Needs Assessment

These points can help you make a stronger case when speaking to upper management or business leaders about allocating time and budget to this critical step in beginning and completing your training project.

Creating the Right Training Needs Assessment

So How Do You Do A Training Needs Assessment 

Going through the motions of creating a training needs analysis means asking the key questions required to create a strategic plan that will follow.  The team at TrainingFolks excels at this and can provide your team with training needs assessment examples as well as sample questionnaires and tools.

Regardless of the training needs assessment tool that you decide to use, there are key questions that you'll need to address.  Among them are:

  • Whom is the training directed towards?
  • Is the training serving a skills gap?
  • Will the training address a knowledge gap?
  • What is the time frame for the new training program?
  • What is the preferred modality for training delivery? i.e. eLearning, in-class, vILT
  • What will the communications plan include?
  • Who are your major stakeholders?

Not Sure How to Conduct a Training Needs Assessment?

FREE Training Needs Assessment Questionnaire

Regardless of the need, it is important to identify skills or performance gaps before investing the money into the program to support these training objectives.

There are many reasons to provide employees training like:

TrainingFolks is a leading corporate training company that answers the question, "How do I assess my employee training," for clients worldwide.  Get started down the right path to a successful training program today.

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5 Ways a Learning Needs Analysis Will Help Your Employee Learning 

What is a training needs assessment used for?

Here are 5 ways to achieve your next learning objective using a training needs analysis to ensure effective training.

1.  Ensure the training addresses actual business goals and objectives 
The manager or project leader may think the training they have identified is the right course of action, but once a good Instructional Designer begins to ask the right questions, they may uncover a different issue altogether. To ensure the program meets the desired outcomes, the training plan may have to change. The training needs assessment asks and answers the basic questions of who, why, what, when, and how to identify the right gaps.

2.  Improve learning and retention
When creating a corporate training program, identify who will require the training and customize the course content to that specific audience. The more relevant the information is to the group, the better the learning and retention, and the more successful the training. Also, depending on the target audience, the trainer may explore different delivery methods to enhance the learning process.

3.  Achieve a greater return on the time invested
From the project leader who identifies a training need, to the trainer or facilitator who builds the program and delivers the session, to the employees who participate, there is often significant time spent by everyone involved. Conducting a training needs assessment will deliver a higher return on that investment ensuring a cost-benefit across the board.

corporate training needs assessment

4.  Benefit the bottom line
Successful corporate training programs provide employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to improve job performance and lead to greater productivity and achieving organizational goals.

5.  Save time and money
While some project leaders may think an assessment is an unnecessary waste of valuable resources, it can save time and money by ensuring the right training program is developed, implemented, and delivered, and the employees gain the appropriate knowledge and skills to perform their jobs.

Conduct a training needs analysis for your next training and development program and close the skills gap in your organization, starting with your free download above!

6 Data Gathering Tools for Your Needs Analysis 

Once you've identified the key questions that you'll need to ask when analyzing your employee training programs, it's time to gather your data.  Finding the right information, however, is not always easy!  Using different tools to collect your information can help make sure that you do a good job at identifying gaps in skills, knowledge, and abilities.

Get to "what should be" from "what is" effectively, by gathering critical data.

Download "Data Gathering Tools for Training Needs Assessment Success" today.  This document will help you walk your team through the key sources of data required to develop a successful overview of the training and skills gaps that you need to fill.

If you're not sure where, to begin with assessing your current needs get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks today.  

Our experienced team will provide the guidance you need to complete a robust training needs assessment and set you up for success with your next project. 


We Have the Right Instructional Designers For
Training Needs Assessment Needs 

Your Instructional Designer Can Identify Employee Training Needs

The TrainingFolks team has over 30,000 certified training professionals and will find the right contract Instructional Designer for your organization's corporate culture, learning environment, industry, and location quickly.  Their expertise can make or break the success of your project. 


Once engaged they can focus on best practice learning strategies that include:

  • Business Goals 
  • Performance Objective
  • Training Plan
  • Design and Development Plan
  • Learning Architecture
  • Implementation Plan
  • Coaching and Mentoring Plan
  • Measurement and Evaluation Plan
  • Program Management
  • Sustainment Plan


7 Pitfalls a Training Needs Assessment Helps Avoid - Download Now!