Course: Rapid Planning Evaluation
Format: eLearning
Audience: Corporate Training Professionals
Course Length: 45 minutes
Was the course effective? Did the students meet the objectives? Were they satisfied? Did their knowledge and skills transfer? What was the impact and ROI? What is the gap in performance? Are we “adding value”?
The true nature of evaluation is about first making sure you are asking the right questions...and then being able to make well-informed decisions. In this learning program evaluation course, you’ll have an opportunity to enhance your ability to quickly plan any type of evaluation you may need to conduct!
- When to Evaluate? —Highlights the nature of evaluation and provides a simple framework for the common types of evaluation most often conducted.
- How to Plan an Evaluation —Details an evaluation planning worksheet that will guide you through each element of the planning process.
- Case Study —Outlines a sample evaluation planning worksheet to help illustrate how the rapid planning process works in practice.
- Challenge —Where we will wrap up key points and offer you an opportunity to confirm your knowledge.
- Define evaluation
- Recognize the value of evaluations.
- Identify the structure of an effective evaluation plan
- Distinguish types of evaluation questions.
- Determine what information is needed to answer evaluation questions.
- Identify relevant sources of information.
- Select efficient methods to collect information.
- Anticipate the analysis of information to be collected.
- Identify how to report evaluation results.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain a TrainingFolks Certificate