Course: How to Write Performance-based Objectives
Format: eLearning
Audience: Corporate Training Professionals
Course Length: 45 minutes
What counts are tangible business results when it comes to designing and developing learning experiences and resources for business and industry. How can you make sure that your learning objectives impact performance and generate desired business results? That's what you can expect to take away from this how to write performance-based objectives course.
- Value Proposition —a brief overview of objectives, their history, and where you get the information to write them.
- Get SMART2 —a detailed look at the characteristics of objectives.
- Anatomy of an objective —A breakdown of the core elements and associated guidelines.
- Distinguish terminal and enabling objectives.
- List information sources for performance-based learning objectives.
- Distinguish goals and learning objectives.
- Identify the ten characteristics of effective performance-based learning objectives (SMART2).
- Recognize the three essential elements of an effective performance-based learning objective.
- Identify common learning objective writing pitfalls.
- Critique learning objectives.
- Given a scenario, assemble performance-based learning objectives.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain a TrainingFolks Certificate