How to Implement CRM Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 2, 2021 9:30:00 AM

How to Implement CRM Training (CRM Training Pitfalls)


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems such as Salesforce, SAP and Workday have radically changed the way companies manage their relationship with clients. More and more firms have started using these tools to connect to their clients better, improve their customer service, automate tasks, and improve data and reporting capabilities, plus much more.

Proper CRM training ensures that all users understand how to use the CRM and understand how the tool can benefit their daily workflow and make their life easier. This in turn will lead to higher user adoption – a must for any new training initiative.

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Topics: software training, user adoption, user adoption training, CRM Training, salesforce, SAP Training, workday training, Customer Relation Management, customer relation management training

How to Implement a Workday Training Program to Ensure High User Adoption

Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 18, 2020 9:30:00 AM

How to Implement a Workday Training Program: Ensure High User Adoption


With business strategies and processes constantly changing due to both internal as well as external factors, it’s important for companies to continue adapting to these changes. Ensuring that your staff are trained is one area that you must keep up with to ensure you match the pace of the ever-changing workplace demands.

Consequently, there is a necessity to have a mechanism that ensures employees stay afloat with trends in the business world. Regular training and updates to the human resources management system are vital for a business to remain agile.

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Topics: technology training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, Technology and Change, user adoption of new technology, new technology training, user adoption new technology, workday, workday training, workday training program

5 Strategies to Increase Adoption of New Technology

Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 11, 2020 9:30:00 AM

Strategies to Increase Adoption of New Technology


Technology has become a critical tool in every business, which helps to maintain competitive advantage. It’s also ever changing, with new features and options coming out every year. So, how can you and your team stay Up-to-date?

Changes to technology often impact your employees, as many aren’t willing to accept the change with open arms. By implementing technology training and explaining the usefulness of the tools for both the business and their workflows can have a huge impact on your success. Implement  strategies to make it easy to understand these tools, increase employee productivity and help your employees embrace the new technology.


Looking for more information on how to successfully implement new technology?

Download below our FREE eBook 'Technology User Adoption Checklist'

for a step by step guide to a successful technology rollout. 



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Topics: technology training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, Technology and Change, user adoption of new technology, new technology training, user adoption new technology

How to Increase User Adoption of New Technology

Posted by Rachael Jones on Oct 14, 2020 9:30:00 AM

How to Increase User Adoption of New Technology

Those of us who have worked through botched technology roll-outs know that those shiny, exciting tech additions will quickly turn disastrous if the new users have little interest in it, and struggle to adopt the technology. It's important to understand that implementing new technology that ensures high user adoption will be different for all organizations, industries and departments.

Think of an employee, that doesn't enjoy working with a newly implemented CRM. Their constant negativity about it has begun to poison the people around them, that might have otherwise openly adopted the new system.

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Topics: technology training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, technology implementation, new technology rollout, user adoption of new technology, new technology training, user adoption new technology

How to Implement SAP Training to Ensure High User Adoption  

Posted by Rachael Jones on Sep 2, 2020 9:30:00 AM

How to implement SAP training to ensure high User Adoption


Around the world, well over 400,000 businesses use SAP. This popular system facilitates the management of enterprise resources and business commitments across Sales, Accounting, Payroll, Purchasing, and other departments. Besides its ERM capabilities, SAP also offers HR and CRM applications. 
Leveraging the full power of SAP requires skilled end-users, and they require effective training. Opting not to invest in training increases the risk of employees being slow to adopt your new SAP dependent procedures or not properly using software features. 

When properly instructed, your employees will understand the applications used by your business and how to put them to their best use.  
How can you ensure high levels of SAP user adoption and proper utilization? This high level guide will walk you through the steps to create a successful SAP training program. 

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Topics: user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, SAP Training

How to Find The Right Salesforce Training Vendor

Posted by Nisha Amin on Oct 10, 2019 3:40:00 PM

How to Find The Right Salesforce Training Vendor

Wondering Which Company Provides Good Salesforce Training?

Leading the employee training initiative to support a new Salesforce CRM implementation can be a daunting task depending on how effectively change is managed at your organization.

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Topics: software trainers, software training, user adoption, user adoption training, salesforce training, new software implmenetation, salesforce trainer

Sales Training Company TrainingFolks at the Toronto Salesforce World Tour!

Posted by Ashley White on May 8, 2015 10:52:00 AM


Join top sales training company TrainingFolks as we sponsor the 2015 Salesforce World Tour in Toronto on May 14th!  As this event has passed find out more about our Sales and Service Training site.

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Topics: training company, user adoption, user adoption training, salesforce training, custom training solutions, training solutions, top training company, salesforce world tour

Top Five Tips for Training Employees on a New CRM

Posted by Ashley White on Jul 16, 2014 11:50:00 AM

Tips for Training Employees on a New CRM

Tips from Top Corporate Training Company 

With the help of a team of experts, we identified five top tips that can improve your next CRM implementation.   And make no mistake; CRM system training is extremely critical.

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Topics: training company, training companies, virtual training, virtual training tips, software trainers, vilt, virtual instructor led training, user adoption training, Tips, CRM Training, Best Practices, virtual instructor lead, sales enablement, salesforce training

Top 5 Myths of Technology Implementation Training Revealed - Video!!

Posted by Ashley White on Jan 14, 2014 8:47:00 AM

Top 5 Myths of Technology Implementation Training Revealed

Implementing training to support new technology across your enterprise? In today’s world, technology is critical to an organization. Are you implementing new technology across your enterprise?  Upskilling your people in new areas?  We know how stressful this can be.  TrainingFolks training consultants have helped many organizations upskill their employees as a result of new technology implementations.  Examples include: scheduling systems, business-to-business commerce platforms, sales management tools, CRM systems, HRIS, etc. We have decided to reveal some of the top myths around this type of change.  Discover these myths by watching this video!

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Topics: software trainers, blended learning, software training, microsoft training, technology training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, desktop training, IT training, technology implementation, technology trainers, technology designers, MCT trainers, microsoft trainers

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