How to Implement CRM Training (CRM Training Pitfalls)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems such as Salesforce, SAP and Workday have radically changed the way companies manage their relationship with clients. More and more firms have started using these tools to connect to their clients better, improve their customer service, automate tasks, and improve data and reporting capabilities, plus much more.
Proper CRM training ensures that all users understand how to use the CRM and understand how the tool can benefit their daily workflow and make their life easier. This in turn will lead to higher user adoption – a must for any new training initiative.
Get everyone on board
User adoption is critical to CRM implementation success! When users don't understand the benefits of a new software or training program fully, many become unengaged and grow resistant to using it. This can quickly escalate through a department and slow down the training program and the overall implementation process. This is the stage where it's important to speak about the features and benefits, the ‘WIIFM’ (what's in it for me).
Explain the new system-specific benefits
Users can be resistant to a new CRM system, since they may feel overwhelmed by change or don’t want to change how they have always been doing something. However, showing your team how the new software can make their work easier and require less work to do the same task can help to boost user adoption.
Tips for implementation of CRM training
Whether adopting a new CRM, switching to a new one, or training new personnel, putting training in place can be the perfect way to increase everyone's productivity. Here are some keys to a good training program:
1. Build a schedule
Coming up with a plan, remaining organized, and following it effectively is vital. There are many ways to do this:
• Choose a day for training in a specific software area or by department
• Divide the training into smaller sessions
• Customize training to particular individuals
2. Fill the gap between the old and new ways of the CRM
If you had a different CRM or want to get a new one, the more similarities you can get from the old to the new can make it easier to learn. Draw on similarities and relativize the importance of the difference. Prioritize modules department-wise or role-wise and prioritize the topics/modules that will be used 80% or more of the time.
3. Make training a continuous priority
As with most technologies, a CRM system is continuously adapting to offer updates and new features. Routine in-house training, such as semi-annual or annual, can help in technology user adoption. It can also be an excellent refresher for those who might not be utilizing the CRM's full potential. Think about creating an eLearning, or vILT refresher course on a regular basis – especially if there have been changes to your CRM platform. You can also consider job-aids or microlearning nuggets.
Pitfalls to avoid during CRM implementation
Here are two of the common reasons why your CRM projects may fail and ways you can avoid those pitfalls:
Lack of technology user adoption
This is a common issue in response to any change. To some degree, resistance to change is inevitable, especially when adopting any new system or service. Most of the time, the problem lies with the business for not including the end-users in the initial adoption stage.
To bring end-users on board with the new CRM software, include a selected team of employees from every department in the initial stages of the process to act as power users to support the change initiative. This action can offer users a sense of project ownership and help with their colleagues' adoption in the future. They will be an invaluable tool to other team members who may have questions or concerns.
Poor planning
Poor planning is another common issue in making a CRM implementation a success. Ensure you have a well-defined training plan that can help you meet the goals. When designing the training, make sure you use real examples in the training environment. This will help the users gain confidence for when they are working in the live environment.
Ready to launch your new CRM system, or want more information on User Adoption?
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'5 Best Practices for Software Implementation' for tips and tricks.