The Advantages of a Blended Learning Approach

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jul 3, 2024 9:30:00 AM

The Advantages of a Blended Learning Approach

Blended learning approaches have become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in the realm of global knowledge instructor delivery. Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face teaching with online learning, creating a more flexible and personalized approach to education. This method allows for a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning, providing students with the opportunity to learn at their own pace while still receiving guidance and support from their instructor.

One of the key advantages of blended learning approaches is the ability to reach a global audience. With the rise of technology and the internet, it is now possible to connect with students worldwide. Blended learning allows instructors to deliver their courses to students in different time zones, without the need for travel or physical classroom space. This not only expands the reach of the instructor but also provides students with access to a wider range of courses and expertise.

Another advantage of blended learning approaches is the ability to tailor instruction to individual student's needs. With online learning modules, instructors can provide targeted instruction to students who need extra support, while allowing advanced learners to move ahead at their own pace. This personalized approach to learning can lead to improved student outcomes and increased engagement, as students are able to take ownership of their learning and work at a pace that suits them.


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Topics: global supply chain management, global instructor-led service, global contract trainers, global training delivery

How Global Contract Facilitators Benefit Corporate Training Programs

Posted by Rachael Jones on Dec 13, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How Global Contract Facilitators Benefit Your Corporate Training Programs

Increasingly, organizations across all industries are turning to outsourced managed learning services. This is because they find that when they bring in an outside provider, they can get a better return on investment while at the same time adding flexibility and scalability to their programs.  Global contract facilitators are highly experienced and trained professionals who can benefit from corporate training programs for large companies in several ways.

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Topics: corporate consulting, corporate training programs, corporate culture, corporate trianing, global contract trainers, corporate trainers, Corporate Trainer, global training delivery, contract facilitator

What should you Look for in a Corporate Instructor for Global Training Delivery

Posted by Rachael Jones on Oct 4, 2023 9:30:00 AM

What should you Look for in a Corporate Instructor for
Global Training Delivery

As businesses expand globally, the need for effective cross-cultural training becomes increasingly important. However, finding the right trainer to deliver this type of training can be a challenge.

Whether you are responsible for training employees in a multinational corporation or a small business with international clients, this blog will provide valuable insights and practical advice for finding the right corporate trainer for global training delivery. 



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Topics: contract trainer, global contract trainers, contract instructor, virtual contract trainer, corporate trainers, corporate instructor, Corporate Trainer, global training delivery

How do you leverage contract trainers to improve Digital Adoption?

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 30, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How do you leverage contract trainers to improve Digital Adoption?

As organizations continue to digitalize their operations and embrace new technologies, the need for effective training and adoption strategies becomes increasingly important. One often overlooked solution to this challenge is the use of contract trainers.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of contract trainers and how they can be leveraged to improve digital user adoption within your organization. So, whether you're a business leader looking to boost employee productivity or an HR professional looking to improve employee engagement, this blog is for you.

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Topics: contract trainers, how to hire contract trainers, contract training teams, user adoption training, global contract trainers, Technology and Change, user adoption of new technology, new technology training, technology user adoption, technology use adoption, technology user adoption skills training, new technology user adoption, virtual contract trainer, Digital Adoption

How to Engage a Team of Corporate Trainers for Multi-City Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 1, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How to Engage a Team of Contract Corporate Trainers for Your Multi-City Training Rollout

If your business spans multiple areas or plans to open new locations, you most likely need to build employee training programs across different regions. While organizations often prefer using internal resources for professional development, hiring contract trainers has several benefits—especially when it comes to multi-city training:

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Topics: contract trainers, contract trainer, contract training consultants, how to hire contract trainers, contract training, contract training teams, contract training consultant, contract trainer success, corporate change initiative, global contract trainers, virtual contract trainer, corporate trainers

Get our most popular FREE training tools from Q1, 2022

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 16, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Our most popular FREE training tools from Q1, 2022



2022 has started off with continual change, as companies still define the future of work for their employees. With these changes, there has been an increased desire to provide in-person instruction, while virtual learning continues to remain popular.

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Topics: contract trainers, facilitator, facilitators, contract training consultants, how to hire contract trainers, new employee orientation, contract training teams, LMS, facilitation, checklist, employee onboarding, employee onboarding process, lms learning portal, contract trainer success, global contract trainers, Success Employee Onboarding, virtual contract trainer

What are the benefits of hiring a Contract Instructor?

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jan 19, 2022 9:30:00 AM

What are the benefits of hiring a Contract Instructor?

If you are a business leader, you may be wondering if it is worth your time and money to engage a contract instructor. After all, you could continue to work with your on-staff team, but there are several benefits to engaging a contract instructor that you may not have considered.

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Topics: contract trainers, contract training, contract trainer success, global contract trainers, contract instructor

What Does a Contract Trainer Do?

Posted by Rachael Jones on May 26, 2021 9:30:00 AM

What Does a Contract Trainer | Contract Facilitator Do?

A contract trainer trains the employees of a business to perform at a high level. They are responsible for having a strong understanding of the training content (requiring various levels of specialization) and must be able to present it effectively by tailoring their delivery style to match the learning audience. The contract trainer works with various stakeholders to evaluate the success of learning.

Contract trainers are experts, hired by companies to assist corporate leadership in determining the most appropriate way to train employees. Contract trainers are tasked with training a businesses' staff and can do so when a company’s internal training team lacks the time or skillset.

Many companies that are introducing new technology or software look to contract trainers, as many do not need the services of a full-time team member or lack the resources or expertise to conduct the training internally. Working with a contract trainer enables a company to scale their employee's training, when and where they need it. With a solid train-the-trainer process and leader's guide, delivering a consistent learner experience can be achieved successfully.

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Topics: contract trainers, how to hire contract trainers, contract training, contract training teams, contract trainer success, global contract trainers

Picking The Right Contract Trainer

Posted by Rachael Jones on Apr 28, 2021 9:32:49 AM

Picking the Right Contract Trainer


A contract trainer is a professional who provides specialized and exceptional training services to organizations. Many companies decide to outsource trainers to minimize the cost of hiring in-house staff, leading to reduced operational costs.

The contract trainer is responsible for having a thorough understanding of the training content (requiring various levels of specialization) and must be able to present it effectively by altering delivery style to match to the learning audience. The contract trainer works with various stakeholders to evaluate the success of learning programs and may serve as an on-site performance coach through consulting, monitoring and evaluating training results.

Before engaging a trainer, companies should always conduct their due diligence to ensure the person contracted for the job is the right fit for the position. Below are steps you can follow to create a seamless experience when looking for the right contract trainer!

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Topics: contract trainers, contract trainer, how to hire contract trainers, contract training consultant, contract trainer success, global contract trainers

What is a Contract Trainer?

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 25, 2020 9:15:00 AM

What is a Contract Trainer?

Many companies outsource their trainers to reduce the operating costs of having a full-time trainer onsite, as well as to the ease and convenience of finding a trainer that helps meet their specific need at any given time.

Contract trainers are training specialists who provide contingent support to organizations. Our team of experienced contracts trainers thoroughly understand the training content in order to enable change, they assess training effectiveness and can interact with all levels within an organization.  Are you looking to be a independent trainer? If so, you will find the tips below helpful.

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Topics: contract trainer, contract training, global contract trainers

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