The Top Elements of a Successful New Employee Onboarding Program

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jul 10, 2024 10:00:00 AM

The Top Elements of a Successful New Employee Onboarding Program

A successful onboarding program is essential for every organization. It sets the tone for a new employee's experience and can have a significant impact on their long-term success and retention. A well-designed onboarding program can help new hires feel welcome, informed, and engaged from the start.

The key elements of a successful onboarding program include clear communication, effective training, and ongoing support. Clear communication involves setting expectations and providing new hires with the information they need to succeed. Effective training ensures new employees have the skills and knowledge needed to perform their job duties. Ongoing support helps new hires feel connected to the organization and provides opportunities for growth and development. By focusing on these key elements, organizations can create a successful onboarding program that sets new hires up for success and helps them feel valued and supported from day one.

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Topics: corporate onboarding process, employee retention, employee retention programs, employee onboarding, employee onboarding process, Success Employee Onboarding, How Do You Onboard an Employee Remotely?, Employee Onboarding Program, How To Measure Employee Experience, New Employee Onboarding Program

Reducing Turnover: Developing a Training Program for New Employees

Posted by Rachael Jones on Feb 14, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Reducing Turnover: Developing a Training Program for New Employees

Reducing turnover is key to many successful companies. Developing a training program for new employees is important, however, employee onboarding is a critical process that can have a significant impact on a company's turnover rate and employee retention. When done properly, onboarding can help new employees feel welcome, informed, and prepared to succeed in their new roles. In contrast, a poor employee onboarding experience can leave new hires feeling confused, unsupported, and disengaged, which can ultimately lead to turnover.

Research has shown that effective onboarding programs can help reduce turnover rates by up to 50%. This is because onboarding helps new employees feel more connected to their company and colleagues, understand their roles and responsibilities, and have a clear idea of what is expected of them, which sets the foundation for their success when they first join the company.

By providing new hires with the tools and resources they need to succeed, companies can increase employee satisfaction and engagement, which can in turn lead to higher retention rates.


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Topics: onboarding checklist, onboarding, onboarding program, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee onboarding process, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Success Employee Onboarding, reduce turnover, Employee Onboarding Strategy, Employee Onboarding Program, Reducing Turnover

What Is Employee Experience and How Can You Use It to Reduce Turnover?

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jul 5, 2023 9:30:00 AM

What Is Employee Experience and How Can You Use It to
Reduce Turnover?

As an employer, your hiring prospects in the last couple of years have likely been stymied by talent shortages. A ManpowerGroup survey found that talent shortages have tripled since 2010 as 69% of employers face skills gaps. Many studies are also showing that the talent shortage will increase in the years to come.

What is employee experience and how can you leverage it to reduce turnover? Also remember, if you’re struggling to find and retain staff, improving your employee onboarding can in turn improve employee experience can motivate hires to commit to your company and engage new talent.

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Topics: employee retention, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Successful Employee Onboarding, Virtual Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding, Benefits of elearning for employees, employee experience, What Is Employee Experience, turnover, reduce turnover

How to Plan for Employee Onboarding Program: 4 Crucial Steps

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 7, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How to Plan for Employee Onboarding Program: 4 Crucial Steps

In the Great Resignation era, employee retention is critical for organizations hoping to maintain productivity, save costs, and preserve talent. According to 2022 research from Employ, US workers are increasingly willing to pursue alternative employment, often within the first few months of being hired.

The good news is that a robust employee onboarding program can significantly increase retention—by 82%, according to some estimates—and help sustain workplace productivity, culture, and talent in uncertain times.

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Topics: re-skilling employees, new employee orientation, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee onboarding process, Success Employee Onboarding, phases of employee onboarding, How Do You Onboard an Employee Remotely?, Employee Onboarding Program

How the Physical Workspace Impacts the Employee Experience

Posted by Rachael Jones on Apr 26, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How the Physical Workspace Impacts the Employee Experience


Much of the employee experience—the perceptions your workers have for the duration of their employment with you—concerns the physical space they interact with throughout the workday. Research has shown that physical spaces influence employee satisfaction, so it’s not a surprise that organizations that want to attract and retain talent also invest in designing workspaces that employees want to work in.

This is of course complicated by the fact that many employees now work from home or balance hybrid work environments. Some employers are rethinking workspace design to entice workers back into the office, complementing home offices with spaces that prioritize social interaction. Employers that want to encourage in-office work may find themselves competing with the amenities and comforts of a home office.

Are you considering how to engage workers through their work environment? Here's how the physical workspace impacts the employee experience.


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Topics: corporate onboarding process, onboarding checklist, onboarding, onboarding program, employee onboarding, employee onboarding process, emmployee onboarding, Successful Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding, employee experience, physical workspace

Companies with the Best Onboarding Programs Elevate Their Employee Experience with Role Clarification

Posted by Rachael Jones on Feb 8, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Companies with the Best Onboarding Programs Elevate Their Employee Experience with Role Clarification

The Great Resignation has left organizations understaffed and under-skilled, prompting many employers to rethink their employee experience strategies. The term “employee experience” describes an employee’s interactions throughout their employment, from their workplace culture experiences to their experience exiting. As organizations increasingly struggle to attract and retain talent, the onboarding component of an employee experience is crucial—especially considering that one in three workers quit within the first 90 days. Companies with the best onboarding programs are having greater success with their employee retention results.

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Topics: new employee orientation, onboarding program, employee retention, employee retention programs, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee soft skills, Success Employee Onboarding, phases of employee onboarding, employee experience

The 5 Phases of Employee Onboarding

Posted by Rachael Jones on Oct 26, 2022 9:30:00 AM

The 5 Phases of Employee Onboarding


In today’s job market, one in every three employees will leave a new job in the first three months. An effective onboarding program is crucial to retaining talent and setting employees up for long-term success in their roles. Lets explore the phases of employee onboarding.

Employee onboarding is the process of providing new employees with the skills, knowledge, and mindset to integrate into their role and the organization. Unlike orientation, which is a one-time event, onboarding encompasses orientation, training, and workplace integration. It can last weeks or months and ensures that new employees are comfortable, productive, and work effectively with their team members.

If you’re new to employee onboarding or want to refresh your program, here’s an overview of the five phases of employee onboarding.

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Topics: new employee orientation, employee retention, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee onboarding process, new employee onboarding checklist, employee development, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Virtual Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding, phases of employee onboarding

The Impact of Bad Employee Onboarding

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 31, 2022 9:30:00 AM

The Impact of Bad Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into an organization. This involves teaching new employees about the company's history, culture, values, and goals. It also provides new employees with training, tools and resources to succeed in their roles.

In today’s job market, it is increasingly difficult for employers to find and retain talent. This is why it’s so important to provide an engaging, comprehensive and supportive onboarding program that reduces turnover. This will not only keep your employees happier, but also help your company boost productivity, save money, and potentially decrease turnover.

To understand the impacts of bad onboarding programs, let’s first look at what an effective onboarding program entails.

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Topics: employee onboarding, employee onboarding process, new employee onboarding checklist, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Successful Employee Onboarding, Virtual Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding

How to Build an Onboarding Strategy that Reduces Employee Turnover

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 3, 2022 9:30:00 AM

How to Build an Employee Onboarding Strategy that Reduces Turnover

If you’re an employer filling a job vacancy, you probably spend a lot of time and resources dedicated to hiring, orienting, and training new employees. But even with this effort, you might end up in the same position as many other employers: after only a few months, the employee quits. Why?

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Topics: corporate onboarding process, onboarding checklist, onboarding, onboarding program, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee onboarding process, new employee onboarding checklist, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Successful Employee Onboarding, Virtual Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding

Get our most popular FREE training tools from Q2, 2022

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 8, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Our most popular FREE training tools from Q2, 2022


Training departments everywhere are working at full speed to deliver engaging training and development programs to upskill their workforce.

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Topics: contract trainers, facilitator, facilitators, virtual training, vilt, how to hire contract trainers, eLearning services, new employee orientation, contract training teams, LMS, onboarding checklist, onboarding, onboarding program, facilitation, checklist, contract elearning developer, vilt trainers, employee onboarding, employee onboarding process, elearning companies, eLearning Development, Successful Employee Onboarding, Virtual Employee Onboarding, Success Employee Onboarding, virtual contract trainer

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