How to Develop Soft Skills

Posted by Rachael Jones on Apr 24, 2024 9:30:00 AM

How to Develop Soft Skills


Developing soft skills is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in their personal and professional life. Soft skills refer to a person's ability to communicate, collaborate, and interact with others effectively.

These skills are not only important in building meaningful relationships but also in achieving career success. In this article, we will explore some tips and strategies for developing soft skills that can help individuals become more effective communicators, problem solvers, and leaders.

Effective communication, active listening, and nonverbal communication are all important components of soft skills that we will delve into. By developing these skills, individuals can build strong relationships, resolve conflicts, and work collaboratively with others, ultimately unlocking their full potential in all areas of life.


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Topics: soft skills training, employee soft skills, top 5 soft skills, soft skills, softskills, Top Soft Skills for Leaders, how to develop soft skills

Employee Onboarding — an Employee Perspective

Posted by Rachael Jones on Sep 27, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Employee Onboarding — an Employee Perspective

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating new hires into your organization. Onboarding goes beyond orientation—which typically only covers policies, procedures, and resources.

Onboarding also ensures that new employees establish relationships with their team members, clearly understand roles and expectations, and integrate with your organization’s goals and culture. It’s also different from training and development, which focuses on providing new hires with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform tasks. Successful onboarding often lasts several months to a year after an employee’s first day.

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Topics: new employee orientation, onboarding checklist, onboarding, onboarding program, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, new employee onboarding checklist, employee soft skills, Employee Onboarding Training Program, phases of employee onboarding

How to Prepare Employees for Change | Future of Work

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 23, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How to Prepare Employees for Change | Future of Work

The future of work is rapidly changing, and businesses and employees need to adapt to keep up. With advancements in technology and automation, many jobs are becoming more specialized and digital. Remote work and flexible schedules are the norms, and the demand for a skilled and agile workforce is at an all-time high.

The future of work also involves developing new skills such as data analysis, coding, and digital marketing. Businesses need to invest in reskilling and upskilling their workforce, as well as embrace digital transformation, to stay competitive in the future. Additionally, employers are also expected to pay more attention to employee mental health and well-being, offering flexible and remote working options, and emphasizing the balance of work-life.

In addition to the new skills, companies are realigning and reorganizing their departments and roles and responsibilities which is increasing the amount of change felt by their employees.

So how can we help prepare for the future of work?


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Topics: vilt, employee soft skills, tips for elearning, Benefits of elearning for employees, Future of Work, What Is the Future of Work Employee Experience?, How to Prepare Employees for Change

What is Communication Skills Training and Why Do I Need It?

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 16, 2023 9:30:00 AM

What is Communication Skills Training and Why Do I Need It?

Communication skills training is a type of training that is designed to help individuals improve their ability to communicate effectively with others. This type of training can cover a wide range of soft skills, including verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, conflict resolution, public speaking, and more.

Effective communication is an important skill in many different settings, whether it be in business, personal relationships, or the workplace. By improving communication skills, individuals can more effectively express their thoughts, ideas, and needs. They can also better understand and interpret the messages of others, which can lead to more positive interactions and relationships.

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Topics: communication skills, communication training, business communication training, soft skills training, employee soft skills, soft skills, communication skills training, What is communication skills training

Companies with the Best Onboarding Programs Elevate Their Employee Experience with Role Clarification

Posted by Rachael Jones on Feb 8, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Companies with the Best Onboarding Programs Elevate Their Employee Experience with Role Clarification

The Great Resignation has left organizations understaffed and under-skilled, prompting many employers to rethink their employee experience strategies. The term “employee experience” describes an employee’s interactions throughout their employment, from their workplace culture experiences to their experience exiting. As organizations increasingly struggle to attract and retain talent, the onboarding component of an employee experience is crucial—especially considering that one in three workers quit within the first 90 days. Companies with the best onboarding programs are having greater success with their employee retention results.

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Topics: new employee orientation, onboarding program, employee retention, employee retention programs, employee onboarding, onboarding new employees, employee soft skills, Success Employee Onboarding, phases of employee onboarding, employee experience

Soft Skills Training | Benefits of Communication Skills Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jan 25, 2023 9:30:00 AM

Soft Skills Training | Benefits of Communication Skills Training


It's no secret that communication skills are essential for success in any field. However, many people don't realize the extent of the benefits that come with improving these skills. Whether you're looking to land your dream job or want to be able to communicate more effectively with your coworkers, enrolling in communication soft skills training can be a life-changing decision. Here are just some of the top benefits of doing so.

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Topics: soft skills training, employee soft skills, top 5 soft skills, soft skills, communication skills training

Top 5 Soft Skills That Improve Your Business

Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 16, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Top 5 Soft Skills That Improve Your Business


LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report found that 92% of talent professionals believe soft skills are as important, if not more important than hard skills in their workforce.


Soft skills are the skills an individual uses to navigate their social environment—sometimes called social intelligence. In combination with hard skills, which are the practical or technical skills required for a task, soft skills enable effective collaboration and communication. Whether or not you realize it, your business relies on soft skills for its growth and development.


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Topics: communication skills, soft skills training, employee soft skills, customer service skills training, top 5 soft skills, soft skills

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 31, 2020 9:30:00 AM

Training for Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills


As a manager, you deal with problems every day. You use your past experience, the information at hand and your team’s expertise to identify and implement a solution. “See it; fix it; move on” is often the common, immediate response.

Occasionally though, it is important to take a longer-term view to problem solving. High achiever managers recognize that some problems require a more methodical, inclusive process in order to get to the root of the problem, not just apply a band-aid.  Download a FREE Fishbone Template Below!

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Topics: soft skills training, employee soft skills, problem solving, decision making

4 Ways Virtual Reality Training Can Improve Learning

Posted by Nisha Amin on Aug 8, 2019 11:07:00 AM

4 Ways Virtual Reality Training Can Improve Learning

Using VR to Bring Corporate Training Programs to Life

Virtual reality training. Yes, its really here and has been for some time now. Although not a common training modality for many organizations, there are some companies like Walmart, Boeing, and UPS that continue to see the huge benefits of delivering VR training experiences.

Here are 4 factors to consider when thinking about making the case for immersive simulation in the corporate training space.

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Topics: training outsourcing, employee soft skills, corporate training services, virtual reality training

A Shifted Focus on Soft Skills Training

Posted by Vanessa Branscome on Jul 4, 2019 10:00:00 AM

A Shifted Focus on Soft Skills Training

Tips From Your Corporate Training Company


Out with the old and in with the new. The beginning of a new cycle often brings various changes for organizations. The emphasis is on refining strategies and exceeding past performance levels. One ongoing priority for employers is to focus on evaluating candidates for soft skills in the workplace while also investing in ensuring their current teams possess these essential qualities. While there has traditionally been more emphasis on hard skills, the realization has grown that there's a need to balance this with strong soft skills among employees.


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Topics: corporate training company, emotional intelligence, soft skills training, employee soft skills

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