The Role of Gamification in Corporate Training: Make Learning Fun

Posted by Rachael Jones on Apr 17, 2024 9:30:00 AM

The Role of Gamification in Corporate Training:
How to Make Learning Fun

Gamification in corporate training continues to grow in companies around the world. It involves the use of game design elements and mechanics, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and challenges, to make learning more interactive, immersive, and enjoyable. For example, by incorporating gamification into eLearning courses, you can create a more dynamic and personalized learning experience that caters to the needs and preferences of each learner.

By introducing game-like elements, learners are more likely to stay engaged and motivated throughout the learning process, leading to better retention and application of knowledge. Additionally, gamification can provide instant feedback and recognition, which can boost learners' confidence and encourage them to continue learning.

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Topics: corporate training gamification, Gamification, what is gamification, gamification in business, Does eLearning Work, Custom eLearning Course Development, Benefits of elearning for employees, How to Create Effective eLearning Courses, How Long Does It Take to Create eLearning?, The Advantages of eLearning, Gamification in Corporate Training

Why eLearning is Good for Remote Workforces

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 27, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Why eLearning is Good for Remote Workforces


Over the last few years, remote and hybrid work has become part of normal everyday business. Consequently, eLearning has become a crucial training tool for remote workforces, providing accessibility, scalability, and flexibility.

Explore why eLearning is good for remote workforces and how it can help organizations train and develop their employees in an efficient and effective manner. We will also discuss the various eLearning development tools and strategies that can be used to create engaging and impactful training programs for remote workforces.

One of the main advantages of eLearning is its accessibility, as it allows learners to access training material from anywhere and at any time, making it an ideal solution for employees working in different time zones. Furthermore, eLearning provides consistent training experience to all learners, ensuring that they all receive the same level of training regardless of their location while still providing personalized learning for individuals upskilling and reskilling needs. 


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Topics: custom eLearning, tips for elearning, Does eLearning Work, top elearning development companies, Custom eLearning Course Development, Benefits of elearning for employees, How Long Does It Take to Create eLearning?

The Top Features of Effective eLearning Development

Posted by Rachael Jones on Feb 21, 2024 9:30:00 AM

The Top Features of Effective eLearning Development


As a business leader, have you ever faced the challenge of onboarding new employees consistently and at the same time, especially when they are located in different time zones and have varying schedules? A rapidly expanding company recently hired a large number of new employees situated in various cities worldwide, and they encountered this exact issue. To maintain their growth trajectory, they needed to onboard their new hires as quickly and effectively as possible.

The company realized that a well-designed onboarding process was crucial to the success of their new employees and to ensure that they felt supported and integrated into the company's culture. To solve this problem, they created a comprehensive online onboarding program that included interactive modules, virtual meetings with key stakeholders, and on-demand access to company policies and procedures. With this approach, they were able to provide a consistent onboarding experience and set their new hires up for success from day one.

One part of solving this challenge is creating custom eLearning programs.

In today's fast-paced world, taking eLearning programs to upskill employees is common in many organizations. In a technology-enabled world, learners can access educational content from anywhere in the world at any time. However, not all eLearning programs are created equal. Effective eLearning programs should have specific features that provide learners with an engaging and effective learning experience. Training departments and eLearning development companies both strive to create training programs that have a positive impact on employees.

Learn about the top features of effective eLearning programs, including clear learning objectives, engaging content, personalization, assessment and feedback, social learning, gamification, and mobile-friendliness. By incorporating these features, eLearning programs can provide learners with a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience

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Topics: tips for elearning, Does eLearning Work, top elearning development companies, Custom eLearning Course Development, Benefits of elearning for employees, engaging elearning, How to Create Effective eLearning Courses, How Long Does It Take to Create eLearning?, eLearning Programs

The Advantages of eLearning

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jan 24, 2024 9:30:00 AM

The Advantages of eLearning

As technology continues to advance, we have all seen that traditional classroom education is not the only option for your employee's education.

One of the biggest advantages of eLearning is the flexibility it provides. Your employees can learn at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is especially beneficial for those who have other work commitments and are unable to pause work to learn. With eLearning, your team can access learning from anywhere with an internet connection, making it possible to learn from anywhere.


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Topics: custom eLearning solution, custom eLearning development, custom eLearning, tips for elearning, Does eLearning Work, Custom eLearning Course Development, Benefits of elearning for employees, The Advantages of eLearning

How to Create Effective eLearning Courses: 9 Tips

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 1, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How to Create Effective eLearning Courses: 9 Tips

According to a 2022 survey by My Learning Hub, almost 3 out of 4 businesses were forced to find new learning and development (L&D) tools during the pandemic. As workers transitioned to home offices and L&D budgets stagnated, companies replaced traditional training resources with new tools—ones that would adapt to remote environments and enable more efficient course development. Enter: eLearning.



eLearning is an L&D approach that uses digital platforms to deliver courses. This methodology is often more flexible and accessible to dispersed workforces. With eLearning, managers can easily track learner performance. Advanced features like gamification and artificial intelligence are also helping personalize learning experiences and improve engagement and knowledge retention.


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Topics: eLearning program, custom eLearning solution, custom eLearning solutions, eLearning, custom eLearning development, custom eLearning, contract elearning developer, Does eLearning Work, eLearning Development, Custom eLearning Course Development, Benefits of elearning for employees, How to Create Effective eLearning Courses, How Long Does It Take to Create eLearning?

Custom eLearning | Don’t overlook the user Interface

Posted by Rachael Jones on May 4, 2022 9:30:00 AM

Custom eLearning | Don’t overlook the user Interface

What is eLearning?

eLearning is the delivery of a training course by electronic means, either over the internet, an internal network, or through a mobile device (such as a tablet or Smartphone). Custom eLearning courses consist of self-contained computer-based lessons that learners review at their own pace. Lessons may include text, graphics, photographs, animation, audio/video, and links to external websites.

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Topics: eLearning program, custom eLearning solution, custom eLearning solutions, custom eLearning development, custom eLearning, eLearning solutions, eLearning solution, elearning designers, elearning storyboard, elearning company, elearning companies, tips for elearning, elearning service provider, eLearning Development, top elearning development companies, Custom eLearning Course Development, engaging elearning

Top 5 Blogs of 2021

Posted by Rachael Jones on Dec 8, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Top 5 Blogs of 2021

As we get ready to bid farewell to 2021, we've summarized our top 5 blogs of the year. Take a trip down memory lane, read one of the blogs you might have missed, or reacquaint yourself with some top tips!

Our top blogs of 2021 give us a good insight into what a lot of us were preoccupied with in the year, not surprisingly including Virtual Instructor Led Training, Training Needs Assessment  and eLearning ranking high on the list.

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Topics: custom eLearning solution, virtual instructor led training, eLearning services, eLearning authoring tools, user adoption, remote, training needs assessment, corporate training partnership, training outsourcing, corporate training services, working from home, work from home best practices, Custom eLearning Course Development, corporate training blog

How To Create Engaging eLearning

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 30, 2021 9:30:00 AM

How To Create Engaging eLearning: 6 eLearning Best Practices

You’re probably aware of the difference a well-trained workforce can make to the success of your business. The better everyone is at their job, the more everything works in harmony. The result is often an improved bottom line.  

A trained workforce isn’t necessarily one that has acquired many years of formal ed
ucation. The essential element is that each employee becomes competent in what they do.

Engaging eLearning is a great option for on the job training, as employees can learn on the go when and where they need to. But, how do you ensure your employee is successfully learning while staying engaged?

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Topics: custom eLearning solution, custom eLearning, eLearning services, contract elearning developer, Custom eLearning Course Development, engaging elearning

5 Best Practices for Custom eLearning Course Development

Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 25, 2020 9:30:00 AM


5 Best Practices for Custom eLearning Course Development

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, working and learning online has become a greater part of our everyday lives, more so than ever before. This shift has allowed schools, universities, and many companies to continue their work remotely, and in turn has changed the way we learn, plan our training, or develop our employees.

With in-person classroom training no longer an option for many places across the country, learning leaders are shifting their focus to eLearning opportunities.

This technology has allowed for learning and training to continue as it suits different needs, tight schedules, or those working at home. With many businesses now taking this approach to train and develop their employees, how do you create engaging eLearning and a worthwhile learning experience?

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Topics: eLearning program, custom eLearning solution, custom eLearning, contract elearning developer, Custom eLearning Course Development

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