How to Train New Employees Virtually: 3 Approaches to Consider

Posted by Rachael Jones on May 10, 2023 9:30:00 AM

How to Train New Employees Virtually: 3 Approaches to Consider


In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic forced employers to embrace remote work environments—and along with them, virtual training strategies. Even as companies reopen their facilities, many continue offering virtual training as at-home and hybrid work environments become the new normal. Knowing how to train new employees virtually is more important that ever.

However, virtual instructor-led training is not as simple as sharing a PowerPoint presentation in a Zoom meeting. Remote training presents a variety of new challenges, from decreased engagement to technical challenges. A rapid transformation from in-person to virtual training is compelling companies to rethink strategies for employee engagement and learning online, especially when it comes to employee onboarding.

Every organization has different training requirements, and not all remote training methodologies will work for you. If you’re considering different training formats, here are three common methodologies for training new employees virtually.

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Topics: virtual training tips, Gamification, onboarding, microlearning, Employee Onboarding Training Program, Virtual Employee Onboarding, How to Train New Employees Virtually

How A Training Needs Assessment Saves Learning Projects

Posted by Nisha Amin on Apr 18, 2019 9:00:00 AM

How Training Needs Assessments Save Learning Projects

 5 Ways to improve your next corporate training project.

It can be very frustrating to see poor training results following the completion of a new corporate learning project.

As a Learning Leader, you may think you have taken all of the right steps to ensure the best training and development event possible.

You had a strong team of Instructional Designers design the program based on your brief. Experienced technical developers created the program that followed. You even hired a team of contract corporate trainers to carry out the training company-wide. So why did it fail?

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Topics: corporate training programs, microlearning, training needs assessment, elearning developer, sales training programs, training needs analysis, workforce training, learning retention, learning company, new technology rollout

Microlearning in the Healthcare Industry

Posted by Nisha Amin on Nov 15, 2018 1:39:00 PM

Microlearning in the Healthcare Industry

Tips from Top Corporate Training Company

The healthcare industry is constantly innovating. Changes in technology, processes and procedures mean that to keep current, industry professionals have to reskill and upskill to comply with the strict regulations in these fields. In such a fast-paced environment with increasingly complex subject matter, training can be a challenge.

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Topics: elearning designers, microlearning, healthcare, elearning company

A Healthy Dose of Microlearning in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Posted by Nisha Amin on Oct 4, 2018 1:28:00 PM


The pharmaceutical industry is constantly innovating. Changes in technology, processes and procedures mean that to keep current, industry professionals must re-skill and up-skill to comply with the strict regulations in these fields. In such a fast-paced environment with increasingly complex subject matter, training can be a challenge.

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Topics: elearning designers, microlearning, elearning company

Customized Learning-The Future is Here

Posted by Nisha Amin on Aug 23, 2018 3:45:00 PM



Allowing a person to own their experience with a brand creates affinity and fosters a personal stake in the product, service or brand going forward.

This is no different in the workplace where Learning Leaders must find a way to for their product (organizational training) to resonate with their clients (organization-wide learners).

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Topics: corporate training programs, eLearning services, microlearning

Improve Your Customer Experience Strategy with Microlearning

Posted by Nisha Amin on May 3, 2018 8:33:00 AM


As a customer, have you had this experience? You have an issue with a company and call customer service. You are bounced around through the automated phone system and sit on hold for an eternity. Once you finally reach a live person, they don’t know the answer to your question, so you are put on hold again, your blood pressure rising by the minute.

Most people have war stories of customer service fails. A 2016 Gallup study of more than 13,000 customers found that 59% (about six in 10) had problems with at least one company in the past six months.1

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Topics: customer service training, microlearning

Maximize Learning Retention with the Magic of Microlearning

Posted by Rachael Jones on Feb 8, 2018 8:30:00 AM


Have you ever crammed for an exam? Considering one study revealed that upward of 95% of students have admitted to cramming, chances are you have! Many articles have been written about why cramming doesn’t work for long-term learning retention – reasons include stress, lack of sleep, and not giving yourself enough time to truly grasp the information. Some of the reasons cramming doesn’t work in learning retention are also why microlearning can help.

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Topics: corporate training tips, microlearning, learning retention

Overcoming Corporate Training Challenges with Microlearning

Posted by Rachael Jones on Oct 19, 2017 8:57:00 AM


Does your company experience this corporate training challenge? With constant changes in information and technology, employees know they need to be continuously learning to deliver peak performance in their jobs. Yet they are so busy, they struggle to find time for learning and development.

Consider these stats:

  • 1% of a typical work week or just 24 minutes is all most employees spend on learning and development
  • To learn what they need for their jobs, 70% of employees access search engines and 50% to 60% look for online courses
  • 30% of employees do most of their work somewhere other than their employer’s location1
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Topics: corporate training, microlearning

Microlearning for Easy, Accessible Corporate Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Sep 14, 2017 9:17:00 AM


As organizations continue to adapt to work environments, microlearning offers an effective solution to bridge the gap between traditional training and the demands of a modern, flexible workforce. Employees can now engage in continuous learning without the constraints of a physical classroom, making professional development more accessible than ever. This shift not only increases knowledge retention but also empowers employees to take control of their learning journey, fostering a culture of ongoing improvement.

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Topics: corporate training, microlearning

Delight Your Customers! Use Microlearning for Service & Sales Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 17, 2017 9:12:00 AM


Delight Your Customers! Use Microlearning for Service & Sales Training

In today’s competitive business environment, the most successful companies understand that delivering an outstanding customer experience is often the one thing that can set their company apart from competitors.

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Topics: sales training, top training company, microlearning, sales training programs

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