How to Plan Software Training Rollouts in the Virtual World

Posted by Rachael Jones on Aug 25, 2021 9:30:00 AM

How to Plan Software Training Rollouts in the Virtual World

When thinking of planning software training, you want to start with broad conceptualizing and move to practical models.

The Importance of Software User Adoption

The clients' point of view determines the ultimate value and success of a piece of software. Regardless of whether you have the fanciest innovation backing it up, if you don’t profit from it or even understand it, it is useless.

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Topics: software training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, new software implmenetation, software implementation, user adoption new technology, software sales training programs, technology user adoption

How to Implement CRM Training

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 2, 2021 9:30:00 AM

How to Implement CRM Training (CRM Training Pitfalls)


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems such as Salesforce, SAP and Workday have radically changed the way companies manage their relationship with clients. More and more firms have started using these tools to connect to their clients better, improve their customer service, automate tasks, and improve data and reporting capabilities, plus much more.

Proper CRM training ensures that all users understand how to use the CRM and understand how the tool can benefit their daily workflow and make their life easier. This in turn will lead to higher user adoption – a must for any new training initiative.

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Topics: software training, user adoption, user adoption training, CRM Training, salesforce, SAP Training, workday training, Customer Relation Management, customer relation management training

Why Technology Training Fails

Posted by Rachael Jones on May 19, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Reasons Technology Training Fails

Many organizations successfully integrate new technology, but what happens when the training fails? According to Forbes, it has never been more important for a company to improve technology user adoption than it is today.

With US companies spending over $70 billion on training annually, it may be shocking to learn that almost 90% of newly learned skills are forgotten within one year - "Forgetting Curve". It may also be surprising to learn that budget is not the key factor determining the success, or failure of the training.

Poorly implemented technology training can have a negative impact on productivity, morale, and revenue. Awareness of the common reasons that training fails will enable your organization to avoid it happening to you and to ensure successful implementation of new technology by putting an effective user adoption plan in place.

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Topics: software training, technology training, user adoption, technology implementation, technology trainers, salesforce training, Technology and Change, SAP Training, salesforce user adoption, new technology training, workday training

How to Find The Right Salesforce Training Vendor

Posted by Nisha Amin on Oct 10, 2019 3:40:00 PM

How to Find The Right Salesforce Training Vendor

Wondering Which Company Provides Good Salesforce Training?

Leading the employee training initiative to support a new Salesforce CRM implementation can be a daunting task depending on how effectively change is managed at your organization.

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Topics: software trainers, software training, user adoption, user adoption training, salesforce training, new software implmenetation, salesforce trainer

Best Ways to Train Employees on a New Software

Posted by Rachael Jones on Mar 2, 2016 2:30:00 PM

Best Training for Employees on a New Software

Tips from your Corporate Training Company 

Training. That’s the first word. It is the first step on the way to a newer, better understanding of the latest software. But if only the implementation of training was as easy as saying the word. Training companies know that the challenges are there for all to see. Software training means that you will be facing a large group of employees. They are at different learning levels with different learning styles and are often dispersed all over the globe. So how do you make this happen? What are the challenges for a training company?

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Topics: training company, best training company, software training, user adoption, top training companies, training checklist

Top 5 Myths of Technology Implementation Training Revealed - Video!!

Posted by Ashley White on Jan 14, 2014 8:47:00 AM

Top 5 Myths of Technology Implementation Training Revealed

Implementing training to support new technology across your enterprise? In today’s world, technology is critical to an organization. Are you implementing new technology across your enterprise?  Upskilling your people in new areas?  We know how stressful this can be.  TrainingFolks training consultants have helped many organizations upskill their employees as a result of new technology implementations.  Examples include: scheduling systems, business-to-business commerce platforms, sales management tools, CRM systems, HRIS, etc. We have decided to reveal some of the top myths around this type of change.  Discover these myths by watching this video!

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Topics: software trainers, blended learning, software training, microsoft training, technology training, user adoption, user adoption training, user adoption checklist, desktop training, IT training, technology implementation, technology trainers, technology designers, MCT trainers, microsoft trainers

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