Three Reasons to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 23, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Reasons to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis

A training needs assessment is done prior to the development of a training program, once a program has been running for a while, or after a change at an organizational or operational level is undertaken. There are three levels of training needs assessment, and it is important to understand why one should do an assessment and what should be done within that assessment to gain value from taking a step back and looking at the overall goals of the training engagement.

Do you know how much your training is costing you both to deliver and in lost opportunity cost?

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions, training needs analysis, Training Needs Assessment Template, how to do a training needs assessment, needs assessment

How is a Training Needs Assessment Different in 2021?

Posted by Rachael Jones on May 5, 2021 9:30:00 AM

How To Do a Training Needs Assessment and When Is It Used?

Training needs assessment is conducted in an organization where there are changes seen as significant enough to indicate gaps in performance for individuals (changing roles for example), an area or department (changing process, equipment, or responsibilities), or an organization (merging, acquiring, or divesting). These changes call for more than just communication but do not require an entire change or the development of a whole program. Training needs assessments are also likely necessary when there is a noticeable decline in performance for a group of people or teams without any discernible differences in processes, technologies, or organizational factors.

A good assessment always starts with asking three questions: why you think there is a problem, why are you looking at this now, and what are you expecting to see in terms of performance that you are not seeing. These should be considered before engaging in any formal assessment and should be as objective as possible. It is the objectivity needed that often requires a consultant who will have an outside view of the issues and experience in similar organizations and fields for comparison.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions, training needs analysis, Training Needs Assessment Example , Training Needs Assessment Template, how to do a training needs assessment

Top Tools to Writing a Training Needs Assessment

Posted by Nisha Amin on Oct 17, 2019 10:31:00 AM

Top Tools to Writing a Training Needs Assessment

How to Gather Your Data and Ask the Right Questions

Why do you need to provide training to employees? Could it be the need to up skill them on a new technology roll out like Salesforce? Perhaps there is a new company-wide compliance training program that the team needs to get up to speed on. Or, are you trying to increase retention with a winning employee boarding program?

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions, training needs analysis

3 Reasons You Can't Skip a Training Needs Assessment

Posted by Nisha Amin on Jun 14, 2018 9:59:03 AM


3 Reasons You Can't Skip a Training Needs Assessment

Your learning and development team created, launched and delivered a new training program to address skills gaps in your customer service department. Now, six months later, the department manager has come back to you – it seems there is still an issue with the same skill set.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions

Top Training Needs Assessment Questions

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jan 18, 2018 8:39:00 AM

Top Training Needs Assessment Questions for your New Learning Program

Tips from your Corporate Training Company

Top companies recognize the importance of employee training in improving productivity and performance, to stay competitive in the marketplace, and even for retaining their best people. Once a training need has been identified, you want to be sure the program is effective in addressing the skill or knowledge gap. The first step in any successful learning and development initiative is a training needs assessment. Learn more about the top training needs assessment questions.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions, training needs analysis

Building a Successful Training Needs Assessment

Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 30, 2017 10:22:34 AM

Building a Successful Training Needs Assessment


You know the story – a skill or knowledge gap is identified in your company and the learning and development team is engaged to develop a new training program. Often the timeline is short and the budget is tight.

As a learning professional, you understand the first step to a successful training program is a training needs assessment. But management may decide it isn’t necessary and want to skip this important step to save money and meet the deadline.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions

5 Good Reasons to Do a Training Needs Assessment

Posted by Rachael Jones on Jun 22, 2017 9:12:00 AM

5 Good Reasons to Do a Training Needs Assessment


There are many reasons why organizations need to plan a training program – to update employees on process improvements, the roll-out of new equipment or technology, to address changes in laws or industry regulations, the realignment of job functions due to restructuring, or to close the performance gaps demonstrated by particular employees.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions

Why Do I Need A Training Needs Analysis Anyway?

Posted by Nisha Amin on Jan 5, 2017 9:36:00 AM

Why Do I Need A Training Needs Analysis Anyway?

It’s an age old story. Learning leader Janet has to implement a new technology training rollout for global offices in the next six months. She’ll be dealing with varying languages, cultural norms as well as generational differences in her workforces. Janet is given a fairly tight budget and asked to have this marked as priority and started on immediately.

Janet feels the pressure of the looming deadline and the importance of the training in order to have everyone ready on the new system by the end of the second quarter and so, she begins the process of building out the training plan forgetting the cardinal rule to any successful training initiative – the training needs assessment.

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Topics: training needs assessment, training needs assessment questions, training needs analysis

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