Why Outsource Training Consultants?

Posted by Lora Boiago on Apr 22, 2013 11:36:00 AM

Training Consultants - The complexity of locating, hiring, and managing a team of qualified training consultants, especially on short notice and with a need to cover multiple locations, can be daunting.

If any of the following scenarios seem familiar, then you are probably also wrestling with the associated stresses of coordinating large-scale training programs:

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Topics: training consultant, training consultants, merger integration, compliance training program, outsourcing training, outsourcing training and development

Grow Your Learning Consultant Team without Hiring New Employees

Posted by Lora Boiago on Apr 4, 2013 10:02:00 AM

Grow Your Learning Consultant Team without Hiring New Employees

Today's business environment calls for employers of all sizes to remain flexible. Among other things, this means the ability to increase or decrease the number of team members quickly and efficiently.

According to TrainingIndustry.com, scalability refers to an organization’s ability to handle a large increase or decrease in users, workload or transactions without undue stress. Many companies are able to enjoy the flexibility inherent in the scalability of engaging contract learning consultants. This is especially true for functional areas, such as learning, training and development, which often operate in a project-based environment and may be structured as a separate cost- or profit-center.

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Topics: training consultant, training consultants, change management, learning consultants, learning consultant, merger integration, compliance training, hiring contracts trainers, hiring learning consultants

The Value of Management Training Consultants: Mergers & Acquisitions

Posted by Jody Raines on Dec 12, 2012 1:56:00 PM

The Value of Management Training Consultants: Mergers & Acquisitions

Management training is an ongoing and complex challenge. Especially during a merger or acquisition, there can be battle lines that arise based upon the pre-existing entities.  For any company or organization, if not handled appropriately this can be deadly. Regardless of industry or size, all companies have something in common - they survive by maintaining satisfied customers through their employees and managers. The importance of developing, training and rewarding a company's people through management training cannot be over estimated, and having a third party management training consultant who can be impartial and objective can provide much needed expertise and guidance through choppy and difficult times. 

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Topics: training consultant, training consultants, Instructional design, contract trainers, corporate training, change management, managing change, merger integration

How Merger Integration Impacts Banks And Financial Institutions

Posted by Jody Raines on Oct 23, 2012 1:25:00 PM

How Merger Integration Impacts Banks And Financial Institutions

Bank mergers require integrating two financial organizations and their processes, technologies and personnel into one unified, new institution. This requires an understanding of the environment and culture of both organizations, as well as training for the new infrastructure.

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Topics: training consultants, managing change, merger integration

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