4 Ways Contract Training Consultants Scale Your Learning Department
Large-scale training initiatives are intimidating, but they are essential to growing your company. From introducing new software to navigating a merger, contract training consultants help organizations address learning requirements, adapt quickly to industry demands, and save money.
Contract training consultants are third-party experts that specialize in evaluating and optimizing training and development programs. Training consultants serve a range of training scenarios, but your organization’s learning department might benefit if it requires:
Remote training program
Employee onboarding
Support implementing new technologies
- Custom eLearning solutions
How does your organization’s learning department benefit from hiring a contract training consultant?
1. Subject matter expertise
Training consultants have industry-specific knowledge and are experts at designing training programs to address industry requirements. Even effective learning departments benefit from an outside consultant equipped with up-to-date industry resources, support, and tools. Hiring a consultant also provides a more objective perspective than internal resources, illuminating process or knowledge gaps that your learning department might have overlooked.
2. Cutting-edge instructional design
An instructional designer creates learning resources—including content, curricula, and other solutions—that helps users acquire and apply knowledge and skills effectively. Training consultants leverage these solutions to create high-impact learning experiences, even for remote workers. This often involves custom software solutions and curricula, as well as virtual trainer-led sessions. This is ideal for companies who require virtual or in-person training, as well as performance support.
3. Flexibility
Hiring a training consultant doesn't mean reinventing the wheel. Contract training consultants work within a company's existing processes and systems to increase long-term learning engagement, even when short-term priorities change. Consultants can adapt their approach quickly and purposefully by collaborating with internal teams. This agile approach provides personalized, effective employee development that adapts to new industry demands—even for companies operating on a global scale.
4. Cost savings
In a review of 2,500 companies, the Association for Talent Development found that the financial benefits of an effective training program are two-fold. Not only did these programs generate more than double the revenue per employee—they also provided a 6% raise in stakeholder returns compared to businesses that offer less effective training. In short, investing in a consultant can provide higher long-term gains, even with short-term, upfront costs.
Contract training consultants are also as-needed investments, laying the groundwork for training scalability without an indefinite cost. The skills and resources that training consultants provide also help companies avoid costs associated with training downtime and learning strategy restructuring.
The payoff
Businesses adapting to new demands like digital transformation or mergers need competitive, scalable training solutions. Contract training consultants help organizations—even those with in-house learning departments—develop more impactful training programs that address a company’s specific learning requirements. Even with the short-term costs, these industry experts support a more agile learning environment and provide long-term financial benefits.
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