Launch Your Company’s Effective Leadership Training with Blended Learning
Leadership training and development is a must-have for every company and company leader. The training usually focuses on the fundamental skills to create influential leaders.
Effective leadership training has the most significant impact on company success. Managers are role models for their team members, and they set the tone for how they will behave in the workplace.
So, is your business investing in effective Leadership Training? The blog outlines the top reasons and benefits you should consider training your leaders and the blended-learning approach methods to help you achieve the best outcome.
Key Benefits of Effective-Leadership Training
The good news is that leadership training can create excellent leaders. Leadership training indeed takes a lot of time, energy, and resources. However, you should focus on the return on investment and the lasting positive influence on your organization.
Here are the benefits that leadership training will offer your business.
Increased Productivity
Leadership is about caring for and understanding other peoples’ emotions. Emotional intelligence is one of the qualities of a successful leader. An emotionally intelligent manager will be empathetic to engage workers. Engaging workers makes them feel valued and appreciated leading to increased productivity.
Through training, your leaders and managers will gain emotional skills to handle the workforce.
Employee Retention
A large percentage of employees that leave jobs quit their bosses and not the job. Ineffective leaders are tough to deal with. That is why people prefer to go. By adopting leadership training, you can train your workforce and minimize recruitment expenses.
Increase Employee Engagement
Everyone likes to know if they are progressing well in their roles. In addition, you want to receive constructive feedback and well-deserved praise. Workers that get feedback are highly engaged compared to those that do not.
Successful leaders know the importance of giving feedback. Training programs teach leaders how to provide feedback to motivate and increase employee skill levels.
Effective Leadership Style
Through training, leaders can implement suitable leadership styles for your business. There are different styles of leadership, each with its merits and demerits. Moreover, leaders can develop their leadership style that team members will respond to better through the training.
Greater Sense of Responsibility and Accountability
Leadership training programs instill virtues like accountability, integrity, and responsibility to managers, which could be critical to the organization’s performance.
Blended-Learning Approach: What is it?
It is good to mix up the learning delivery methods to develop a fantastic learning experience. Mixing the approaches will ensure you deliver leadership training properly. Blended can include different types of delivery method into the same training program, such as eLearning, classroom, and vILT. That is why blended learning is an excellent choice for your leadership training offering.
Reasons to Adopt A Blended Learning Approach
Today’s work life is hectic, making it difficult to meet project deadlines and attend leadership training. Organizations should utilize blended learning methods due to the following reasons:
Leaders can learn at their own pace and schedule and do not have to worry about missed work deadlines.
A blended approach can accommodate leaders from different geographic locations and time zones. Therefore, it ensures all your managers in the various branches get training simultaneously.
Blended learning can be a fusion of eLearning and traditional training that allows companies and leaders to capitalize on the advantages of both worlds.
Common practice
Since most of your competitors are likely to have adopted the technique, you should join the wave and enjoy the approach's benefits.
Ways of Blending Learning Delivery Techniques for Better Results
Only Use Face-to-Face Training When Necessary
Classroom-based training has been the norm for internal leadership training for years as it is a great method. However, it does not mean that it should be the default training option for all the training you do within your organization. The face-to-face delivery technique is a less desirable option due to:
Planning is hard. It is challenging to try and coordinate all your leaders to attend the learning sessions at the same time, especially if they are in other locations and have different work shifts and teams.
Time lost. With classroom-based teaching, learners must attend several sessions meaning spending more time away from regular tasks. Therefore, it could lead to workload issues and impact negatively on your business.
You should only use the face-to-face method when you reap the most benefit from it and not as your default choice. For instance, a classroom-based approach is ideal for sessions that require group work or demonstrations to understand better. It will allow your workers to fully immerse themselves in the sessions and gain extensive knowledge to be successful leaders.
Use eLearning for Company-wide Learning
You can also use eLearning as part of your blended training. It is a good fit for training many people. What’s more, it allows individuals to learn at their pace. Although you will have to set deadlines to ensure everyone is done with the training by a specific date.
Incorporate Videos in the Training to Save Time
If your training sessions are run by subject matter experts from teams within your organization or your internal training members, having them deliver the same sessions repeatedly could be draining. The best way to ensure your students still get quality tailored training is to record the instructors as they teach and turn them to video training.
That means your leaders do not have to be away from their desks each time you offer training, but all of them will gain the same skills and knowledge.
Offer Virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT) to Connect Remote Workers
If you have leaders based in different countries, or across the country, virtual instructor-led training will be an excellent option to deliver effective training to all of them at the same time. The method allows teams working remotely or in other locations to experience leadership training sessions with their co-workers simultaneously.
Further, they can pose questions to the trainer in real-time and work collaboratively with others.
Leadership training is essential to every organization because of its benefits like increased productivity and better leadership styles. Blended learning is a great option for the training since it gives learners the chance to work in groups and has one-on-one interaction with instructors and peers while also learning virtually at their schedule.
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