Corporate Change Management Strategies that Work
Tips from Top Corporate Training Company
“Oh great, a new sales software tool, I can’t wait to take the training to learn how to use it,” said no one ever!
In many organizations, change of any sort is usually not welcome with open arms by employees. The main reason for this is that in most cases, they have likely experienced poor change management and know what they are headed towards.
A recent study revealed that while 90% of organizations conducted training for important change initiatives with their internal training teams, that only 25% of the Learning Leaders believed that their organizations were effective at doing so!
There are a number or reasons to resist change and they vary based on the organization and initiative. The three most common as revealed in a study included Metrics, Leadership/Stakeholder Buy-In and Poor Strategy and Training.
When implementing a new change, the roll out is something that affects the entire company. This means that feedback is imperative to improve and address any gaps in the training support provided for the change. Companies dealing with this issue were met with great resistance to change. In addition, having a poor or inadequate definition of key metrics to help measure the effectiveness of the training for change was also another reason for resistance
Leadership/Stakeholder Buy-In
Another common reason for a poor change initiative as well as overall resistance is that the leaders themselves have not invested their interests in the change. Leading by example is proven to be successful time and time again and when the VP, Manager or Team Lead isn’t onboard, then how can the organization expect employees to be? Worse than a lack of buy-in and support, is leadership resistance. Again, if the VP doesn’t make the time to attend training, allow IT to update their hardware or start using the new process from the word go, then employees are more likely to drag their feet as well.
Poor Strategy and Training
Change is good-we can all agree to that. What is bad is the high frequency of new roll outs that are supported by a poor change management strategy or training strategy. As a Learning Leader, you may think rolling out a new Salesforce training program is self-explanatory and skip a training needs assessment when building out the training plan. Huge mistake. By doing this you’re likely to stumble of the one of the main reasons for failed training which is not training in a user preferred format or customizing content to each learners’ need or environment.
Of those that participated in the study 94.5% of respondents had partnered with a company who had expertise with the type of change they were implementing and as a result were highly effective.
Do you find yourself tasked with the training and development required to implement upcoming change initiatives for 2019?
Communicating change is hard enough, but effectively implementing and helping employees to adopt the change can sometimes seem impossible.
Get the additional organizational support you need to plan and build training to support change by ensuring that the larger team is following the right steps to success.
Download this free eBook from TrainingFolks entitled: 6 Ways to Successful Change today.
It covers off key factors to consider and areas to focus on changing within the organization, before trying to implement your next training initiative or change training.
If you’re ready to partner with an external partner with proven experience with global trainers and successfully executing new large-scale roll outs, get in touch with TrainingFolks today.