How to pick the right contract Virtual Training Producer
Virtual training producers make good training great! They work to keep virtual training operating seamlessly and are a great way to ensure your training program goes off without a hitch. But do you know how to pick the right contract virtual producer?
Virtual producers are available to answer questions, provide support and help maintain the flow of information throughout the learning process. They are invaluable resources in achieving these goals by acting as course managers, moderators and mentors for online courses. By offering advice, encouragement and maintaining a positive learning environment, the right virtual producer can ensure students not only learn but also get the most out of their courses.
When planning for virtual training, it is important to engage the right virtual producer who will provide the greatest benefit for your course.
To ensure you get this right, there are several factors to consider:
The Problem Fixer
A virtual training producer who is familiar with the course material, your virtual training platform and teaching concepts is an invaluable asset. They can not only offer advice on difficult subjects but will also know how to resolve issues quickly and effectively.
When engaging a virtual producer, carefully consider whether this person has experience with all aspects of online learning, including uploading lectures, delivering quizzes, facilitating discussions, and using various software programs. Also, consider looking for a VP with industry-specific knowledge.
A virtual producer can also take the facilitator role. In this role, the producer should be able to address any technical problems that might arise and must also know how to deliver the training material.
Ready to Step in
A virtual producer who is flexible and available when you need them is a big plus. Imagine your trainer gets sick, or can't make it - Virtual Training Producer to the rescue! If technical glitches arise, such as broken links or lost files, instructors often depend on their virtual producer to solve these problems quickly and efficiently without the learners even knowing something had gone wrong.
When engaging your virtual producer, look for a flexible, reliable person who will be available at any time to answer questions and troubleshoot problems. Consider if they have experience with collaborative online training programs. In these unique learning environments, producers can encourage students to work together to solve problems and learn from each other’s expertise.
Question Monitoring
When selecting a virtual producer, it is important to look for someone that is proactive in monitoring student participation. A virtual producer should watch for signs of disengagement, such as those not contributing to class discussions or completing assignments on time. When problems are noticed, good virtual producers offer one-on-one support and ensure they have everything they require to succeed.
To be effective in this role, virtual producers familiarize themselves with the course content and objectives. Consider whether or not prospective VP's have experience working with different types of learners. Since students are not in the same physical space, it is important for them to establish a sense of collaboration through discussions and other activities.
Breakout Room Manager
An essential part of engaging a virtual producer is understanding how this person can help students stay engaged throughout the training process. For example, producers should know how to set up breakout rooms in online courses. As they are available at any time, these rooms serve as venues for engaging conversations between interested learners who are not afraid to ask questions and share their thoughts.
Producers should be familiar with your online course software and meeting platform, specifically how to set up these rooms, move learners in and out and troubleshoot any issues. In these learning environments, producers can encourage students to work together to solve problems and learn from each other’s expertise.
When engaging your virtual producer, keep in mind that this person could also be a part-time instructor. In these cases, the producer goes from facilitator to educator and delivers lectures along with other employees.
They can also stand in as a “co-pilot” for live virtual courses, working with other employees to ensure that the courses run smoothly.
Looking to hire the right Contract Virtual Producer, but not sure where to begin?
Download our FREE 'Create Engaging Virtual Training' eBook - a helpful tool used internally by the TrainingFolks Team.