Virtual Employee Onboarding: 7 Steps to Success
Employee onboarding is a process that involves introducing new employees to their new work environment and culture. It is one of the most critical steps you can take in the hiring process as it is all about inclusion, and providing the tools needed by the employee to become a dynamic team member.
So, does that change when you are working virtually? With many people now working from home, or between their home and the office, many businesses may find it hard to manage their onboarding programs.
Getting this step right ensures that new employees feel welcomed as part of the team, get to know their colleagues, understand the organization's policies, regulations and give you a better chance at retaining your new hire.
Through the process, new employees can learn and understand their job descriptions and set clear objectives for the first few months at work. They get a better understanding of their new company’s culture and values to create meaningful and professional relationships with their new team – even if they have never met them in person!
Benefits of Employee Onboarding
Increase Employee Engagement
Onboarding is about inclusion and making new employees feel welcomed and wanted at the company. It shows your new team member that your business values their skills and wants to work with them. Onboarding also involves training and providing new members with the tools needed for them to stay productive.
Reassure Employees
Starting a new job can be exciting, but new employees will be feeling apprehensive and often unsure of their decision to change jobs. Getting started on the right foot, with a welcoming and friendly atmosphere will reassure your new hire that they have made the right decision.
Provide an Understanding of The Company’s Direction
Onboarding involves introducing your new employee to the company culture. It helps define their role and how they can work on helping the business achieve its goals. It shows that they can work on being a part of the team that contributes to the greater business goals.
Steps to Create a Virtual Employee Onboarding Program
1. Set Up the Day
You should communicate clearly with your new hire at all steps of the onboarding process. Set up the new employee with your company chat and virtual meeting program, this allows for quick impromptu discussions as needed. Send them an email with everything they need to know, including their start time, information on equipment and passwords/access. Give out details on what is needed for HR for the onboarding, what documents they will need such as ID.
2. New Technology Systems and Procedures
Explain to new employees about the technologies used in your business and how they will help them achieve their objectives. Introduce the new employees to various software and hardware incorporated in your organization and how they can work with them. This is a great time to organize training on your technology or systems. Take time to introduce the employees to your organization’s systems and find out if they are familiar with any of them.
3. Meet New Team Members
You can create a virtual meeting to ensure that your new employees meet other staff members and make a proper introduction. You don’t have to push for the introduction, and you can let new employees do it themselves at their own pace. This is a great opportunity for new members to meet your key staff members and start to get an understanding on who does what.
4. Job Description Review
Take time to explain the new employee’s job description and give more details about their roles and responsibilities. Inform them of the company’s expectations and ensure you set objectives they should achieve within a given period. This way, new employees can define their roles and learn about the various teams they can consult when they have work-related issues. Objectives can be start off simple, such as booking on one calls with some of your key team members.
5. Review Goals and Objectives
Set up a job training program where employees can learn their role in the organization and achieve their goals and business objectives. Take time to take them through business objectives and set a goal for each of them.
Provide your new employees with tasks after their training in the next few days or months. Set up contact points to determine how far they’ve gone with the projects. You can also arrange a weekly check-in meeting to discuss their progress, and any questions they may have. You should make it very clear that you are always available to help if they have any questions or concerns.
6. Learning and Development
Determine the kind of training that every employee should get based on their work experience and qualifications. Use this time to introduce your new employees to the company’s equipment or software needed to perform their tasks. Even if your new hire has previous experience in certain software programs you use, it's worthwhile providing a refresher training course.
7. Coaching and Mentoring
Working in a new environment can be challenging for new employees, especially if they aren’t familiar with the place, people, or are working remotely. Take time to register new employees to coaching or mentorships programs. Schedule regular calls to determine their progress and ask them how they are feeling in their new job. Coaching provides assistance to help recruits fit well within their new roles and understand what the job entails.
Getting your new hires to become valuable contributors quickly relies heavily on your onboarding strategy. TrainingFolks can help you design an Employee Onboarding Program that can help improve the retention, effectiveness, and satisfaction of your new hires.
Did you know that a large part of creating a successful Employee Onboarding Program, either in person or Virtually relies on Employee Recognition? Get our FREE download eBook '8 Steps to a Rewarding Employee Recognition Program'