Posted by Nisha Amin on Apr 20, 2017 10:20:00 AM


Employee Onboarding Program

How Effective Is Your Employee Onboarding Process?

Congratulations, you’ve finally found that perfect new recruit and the organization is excited to get moving.  This person should bring great value to the bottom line, ignite the team culture and help achieve the overall goals of the organization.

That is, unless your company falls into the 25% of companies in the United States that do not actually include training as part of their employee onboarding process, or the 35% that spend $0 on their onboarding process.

The quality of your company’s onboarding training plays a huge role in major aspects of the overarching business. Recent studies show that poor onboarding actually resulted in 22% of staff turnover within the first 45 days of employment. This in turn means a higher cost to replace that resource. On average, replacing an employee can run your organization between $3,000 to $18,000 depending on their role. Of course, this can then impact team morale, the budget and inevitably the successful attainment of set goals.

When building or reviewing your employee onboarding training program consider the major changes that have occurred in the workplace over the last decade.


By the end of this year, Millennials will account for 36% of the U.S. workforce and by 2015 they will account for 75% of the workplace population! Why does this matter to onboarding? 

There are a number of reasons. The work style, values and expectations of this emerging workforce greatly differ from those that have been employed by your organization to date. In fact, studies show that 69% of Millennials believe office attendance is unnecessary on a regular basis and 92% believe that success should be measured by more than just profit. 

These core values and beliefs should be shaping your future onboarding processes. Success will come from being able to effectively match the values of your organization to those of your changing Millennial workforce.


A recent Gallup-Hope study revealed that in addition to women changing the workplace environment, that minorities also increased their share of jobs.

The report shows that the share of Hispanic and Latino workers increased in 96 percent of all occupations, in 90 percent for Asians and in 22 percent for African-American employees. In addition, the percentage of African-American workers rose in 44 percent of the 50 highest-paying jobs. 

Onboarding that ignores the communication styles of these groups as well as language sensitivity will undeniably result in failed onboarding.

Technology & Social Media

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, video conferencing, webinars -- the list of technological and social changes continue to increase. All of these communication tools mean that your workforce needs to understand what your organization is utilizing and how it is doing so. What are your social media rules? Are they expected to be accessible 24/7? Is eLearning for everyone?

New hires need to have a very clear understanding of how technology will help them excel, how to use the tools effectively and what the parameters of use are.

The key to your effective onboarding process is to continue to enhance it and adapt it to your changing workforce. Here are 7 Free Tips on how to design a successful onboarding training process.


When reflecting on all of these considerations, the prospect of designing a new training process may seem daunting. A great way to get started is to look for the right external partner to come in and help evaluate and design a winning program for you. This is one of the key areas in which the experts at TrainingFolks excel. 

Get in touch and start increasing your ROI, employee retention and overall workplace satisfaction levels today!


Topics: TrainingFolks, training program, onboarding, onboarding program

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