Strategic Employee Onboarding
New employees who experience strong onboarding are 69% more likely to remain at a company for up to three years.
Poor employee onboarding can lead to the loss of 60% a company’s entire workforce over 4 years.
Onboarding programs can increase employee performance by up to 11%.
Given all the data around the effectiveness of a good employee onboarding program, it still surprises me when I speak to friends in new roles that have some of the worse first day, first week or first month experiences with their organizations. Do any of the following sound familiar?
- Spending the first hour of day one in the reception area, waiting to be collected by your manager or someone in HR.
- Sitting in front of your new laptop without access to anything.
- Spending ten minutes trying to find the closest bathroom to your desk.
- Starting day one by being told to complete tasks A-Z without any training on process, output requirements or organizational standards.
- Trying to stay awake through hours of outdated compliance training before you can get down to work.
- Wondering what you’re going to have for lunch since you have no idea what’s around the office building.
- Having your three-month review without any idea what you’ve been evaluated on.
- Starting a meeting with your new manager and then being asked to wait while they rush off to another impromptu meeting.
- Spending hours of your first day ‘reading about the company’ online, which could have been done well before starting your first day.
Set your new hires up for success with a strong employee onboarding program. This is one of the most important training programs that your organization will invest in.
Download your free Employee Onboarding Checklist today and take the time to evaluate your current program which covers off things to consider even before day one for your new hire begins.
Need assistant with creating a stellar employee onboarding experience? Contact the corporate training experts at TrainingFolks today.