Posted by Rachael Jones on Oct 26, 2017 10:56:17 AM

7 Key Areas for a Successful Employee Onboarding Program

Top Training Company Best Practices

Successful Employee Onboarding Program

Once your company has successfully attracted and hired top talent, the most critical phase of the hiring process begins with employee onboarding.

Employee onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into the company, its culture, and their specific role. The goal is to help new hires quickly adjust to both the social and performance aspects of their job so they can become productive, contributing members of the team. A well-structured onboarding program is essential for engaging and retaining employees.


Key Areas to Include in Your Onboarding Program

1. Fundamental Policies and Procedures 
To ensure that all new employees are fully informed about the company's operations, it is crucial to introduce them to the fundamental policies and procedures. This should include everything from payroll, benefits, holidays, and expense policies to more specific topics like cybersecurity training and expectations for interactions with fellow employees. Providing a comprehensive overview of these guidelines is essential for setting a strong foundation for the new hire's experience.

2. Company Mission and Culture
Helping new employees connect with the larger purpose and values of the company is essential for fostering engagement. Start by sharing the company's origin story, explaining why the business was founded, the needs it addresses, and how it has evolved over time. Make sure the new employee understands how their role fits into the company's mission and contributes to its ongoing success. Additionally, it's important to introduce them to the workplace culture, outlining expectations regarding the level of formality, dress code, and behaviors that align with the company’s values.

3. Meetings with Department Leaders
An effective onboarding process includes providing new hires with a clear understanding of how each department contributes to the company’s mission. Before their first day, schedule meetings with key department leaders so the new employee can gain insight into how different teams function. Encourage the employee to prepare questions in advance to maximize the value of these meetings. This approach helps the new hire see the bigger picture and fosters cross-departmental collaboration early on.

4. Job Shadowing
Another key step in onboarding is job shadowing, which allows new employees to observe and experience first-hand how various departments operate. After meeting with department leaders, the new hire should spend time working alongside employees in different teams to get a better sense of how they contribute to the company’s overall success. The duration of job shadowing can vary depending on the role and how much interaction the employee will have with certain departments in their daily job. Job shadowing in the customer service department, in particular, can offer invaluable insights into the company’s challenges and opportunities, giving the employee a deeper understanding of how they can make meaningful contributions.

5. Understanding the Role, Objectives, and Performance Expectations
It’s important to clearly communicate how the new employee's role fits into the company's mission and vision. This is also an opportunity to establish performance expectations by setting specific objectives for the first month, the third month, and the sixth month. Scheduling regular check-ins at these milestones helps ensure the employee stays on track and sets them up for success. These conversations should focus on how the employee can make an impact and contribute to the overall goals of the company.

6. Personalized Training Plan
No matter how experienced a new hire may be, providing a personalized training plan is essential for helping them succeed in their new role. This plan should include any necessary technical training, product or service demonstrations, and the development of soft skills. If your company uses a Learning Management System (LMS), it can be a helpful tool for assigning courses and tracking completion deadlines. A structured training plan ensures the employee is well-equipped to perform their job effectively and confidently.

7. Mentorship Program
Lastly, a mentorship program can greatly enhance the onboarding experience by providing new employees with a go-to resource for guidance and support. Pairing the new hire with an experienced mentor allows them to ask questions, seek advice, and gain additional insight into the company’s culture. A mentor can help reinforce important information about the company and facilitate a smoother integration process, ultimately enabling the new employee to feel more comfortable and confident in their new role.

A comprehensive onboarding program goes beyond simply covering the basics. It helps new employees understand their role within the larger context of the company’s mission and vision. By providing clear expectations, personalized training, and support through mentoring, your onboarding process ensures that new hires can quickly become engaged, productive members of the team.


For more information on employee onboarding, check out these helpful resources: 

Employee Onboarding Handbook Employee Onboarding Checklist

Employee Onboarding Handbook

Successful onboarding starts even before your new hire's first day. This free handbook will take you through key areas leading up to day one, to the completion of month one and beyond.

Employee Onboarding Checklist

Discover the important topics to include in your onboarding program that will get new employees engaged with your company, improving retention and reducing turnover rates.

Topics: onboarding program, employee onboarding, employee onboarding process

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