Posted by Rachael Jones on Jul 6, 2017 8:47:00 AM


Customized Training Programs

Have you ever sat in a training course and wondered why you were even there? The content was not engaging, the subject matter was not relevant to your industry, and the examples had nothing to do with your position. Chances are you retained little of the material presented and it did not have a long-term, positive impact on your job performance.

When implementing training in your organization, you can develop a customized training program or purchase an off-the-shelf course. But how do you choose? The best type of training depends on the needs of the organization and the target audience. 
Custom Training or Off-the-Shelf?

To decide whether custom or off-the-shelf training is right for your company, do a needs assessment, considering the objective of the training and the gap it is addressing.

Do your employees need to learn computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, or general soft skills topics? These subjects are not specific to your organization, so a generic off-the-shelf program may be suitable.

Are you changing an internal process, launching a product, adopting new technology or reorganizing departments? In these cases, the training will need to be company specific, so a customized training program is the best option.

Maximizing Training Effectiveness: The effectiveness of a training program is not just about the content but also how well it aligns with your organization's specific goals. Customized training programs are designed to address precise needs, fostering greater employee engagement and retention by being directly relevant to their roles. Conversely, off-the-shelf solutions provide a quick and cost-effective way to cover broader topics. Balancing these options by considering both immediate and long-term benefits can lead to more impactful and cost-effective training outcomes.


With customized training, the course content can be designed to meet the specific needs of your employees. Training is most effective when learners are presented with information that is relevant to their role and the industry in which they work. For example, by using case studies, terminology and real-life scenarios employees may face in their daily jobs, the training is more meaningful and can result in greater retention.

When you’re planning your next training program, download "Customized Training versus Off-the-Shelf: How to Choose?" This helpful tool outlines the most important criteria to consider for your training courses and helps you decide which option will best suit your company's needs.

Get Your Copy!  Customized Training vs. Off-the-Shelf

If you want to discuss these options and your unique training needs, contact the global training experts at TrainingFolks.

Topics: custom training, customized training programs, customized training

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