Posted by Nisha Amin on Feb 16, 2017 10:06:00 AM



Create Superior Sales and Customer Service Excellence with e-Learning

The customer experience has never been as important to the outcome of a business as it is today.  With social media taking the lead when it comes to customers sharing their feedback on your brand or product, companies have little wiggle-room when it comes to an unsatisfied customer.Many successful organizations have come to see the importance of a strong customer service team and more than 50% of companies are set to redirect their investments to customer experience innovations by 20181 because of this.

Effective and continuous training are important to ensuring that your front line representatives are always up to speed on the latest product or services available from your organization, company policies and the frequently asked questions of your customer base.

A great way to ensure this is with e-Learning geared at your customer service teams, which allow them to keep up with training modules at their pace as well as provide information that they want at their fingertips 24/7.

Remember to ensure that your e-Learning is not a basic PowerPoint presentation if you’re hoping to keep engagement high and increase your overall success rate.  Our experienced Instructional Designers here at TrainingFolks suggest taking the time to ensure  your e-Learning modules are:

  • Engaging
  • Interesting
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Easy to follow
  • Be available on various devices and easy to access

With all of that in mind here are 4 Tips to Enhancing Customer Service Training with e-Learning.

Scenario Based Training

Get your learners engaged by providing them with scenarios that they will most likely experience in their role.  Throw in a few less common ones as well to get them thinking about special cases and how to approach them. 

Short and To the Point

Creating shorter format modules will provide your learners with the ability to focus on a key topic each time they log in as well as allow them to retain more information than with a longer format training module.  Knowing that they can complete a few quick 15 minutes courses versus a sixty or ninety minute module will also motivate them to take a lot more courses.  Micro-learning has shown to be very successful in the retail space and with customer service training as well.  With more Millennials coming into the workforce, using micro-learning shows the organziation’s ability to adapt to this cohort’s learning style as well.

Keep it Real

The easiest way to lose your learners as well as deter them from future training is to present unrealistic examples or situations.  By ensuring that you are providing real situations, real stories and real examples you can ensure that your customer service team builds the knowledge that they need to provide an overall better experience for your client base.  Spending time learning how to handle unlikely situations on the other hand end up wasting time, resources, budget and provide the learner with nothing they can really use thereafter.

Time to Go Mobile

Mobile technology for training purposes is no longer a question when it comes to successful e Learning projects but rather a certainty.

Employees have their mobile devices with them 24/7 meaning that the right adaptation of modules for mobile devices provides learners access 24/7 as well.  They can use the commute home or the line in the coffee shop to take a quick training break and catch up on one of the many important topics that they need to be trained up.

With mobile-learning, Instructional Designers can also look to incorporate additional learning tools like gamification and social media for further engagement.

Find out if your organization is ready for micro-learning with a free assessment tool from TrainingFolks here!

Microlearning TrainingFolks

62% of companies view the customer experience delivered by its contact centers as a competitive difference in today’s market place2.  Keep your competitive advantage with a strong customer service team in place strengthened by consistent and effective e-Learning.  Find out more about our sales and service trainingsolutions?  





Topics: eLearning, sales training

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