Posted by Rachael Jones on Sep 7, 2017 11:02:00 AM


Company Changes to Attract, Engage & Retain Your Millennial Workforce

Millennial Workforce
There have been many studies, surveys and articles written about millennials in the workforce. This is not surprising considering that according to statistics, in less than 10 years 75% of the workforce will be made up of millennials. With this in mind, more and more companies are reviewing their workplace policies and practices to create a company culture that will attract, develop and retain millennials.

This is much more than installing a pool table in the break room, scheduling weekly craft beer tastings or allowing millennial workers to bring their dogs to the office. While millennials are portrayed as wanting these types of perks, millennials in the workplace are actually searching for employment that offers stability and security – this group is carrying heavy student debt and has been impacted by the many economic uncertainties since the financial crisis of 2008.

Here are tips for changes you can make in your company for millennial workers.

Effective Onboarding

The millennial workforce has been known for changing jobs frequently. Studies show that a poor onboarding program can result in 20% of staff turnover within the first 45 days, so having a strong onboarding program in place can help with retention of millennial workers.

An onboarding program is an opportunity for new employees to learn more about your company, its mission and how it is making a difference – an important topic for millennials – and reinforces their decision to work for you. It also helps them get up and running in their roles faster, and demonstrates that your company values their contribution, another retention factor.

To learn more about implementing an onboarding program and the topics to include to make it most effective and gain the loyalty of new hires, check out “How to Decrease Your Employee Onboarding Time”. 

Mentoring Opportunities

Millennials in the workplace also look to their managers to be less of a boss, more of a leader, coach or mentor. Consider implementing a mentorship program in your organization, if you don’t already have one.

There are numerous benefits to mentoring your millennials – they become more engaged in your organization, can chart their career path, and can be prepared to take on leadership roles in the future.

To learn more about modern mentoring approaches that can set up your millennials for success, read "How to Manage Your Millennials with Mentoring". To find out who in your organization’s leadership would make a good mentor, take the “Is Mentoring for You?” survey.

Create a “Millennial Friendly” Workplace

Effective onboarding and a strong mentorship program are just two ways you can support your millennials in the workplace. For more tips on how to build a millennial friendly organization, download the eBook “Top Company Changes to Engage Your Millennial Workforce”. It outlines five key organizational areas that are important to millennials, and the actions you can take in each to improve engagement with, and retention of, your millennials employees.


Topics: Millennial Workforce, millennials in the workplace, millennial

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