Posted by Rachael Jones on Nov 2, 2017 8:01:00 AM

Visit top training company at the I4PL 2017 Conference & Trade Show

I4PL Conference
You're invited to join the TrainingFolks team at booth #501 at this year’s Institute for Performance and Learning (I4PL) Conference and Trade Show being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, November 6-7, 2017.

At TrainingFolks, we are a top training company committed to delivering innovative learning solutions to elevate your organization and help you meet your business goals. Our mission is to assist our clients in building a higher performing workforce.

Come by our booth #501 – our team is pleased to meet with you to discuss your business needs and how our training solutions can work for your company.

Why Attend the Conference and Trade Show

I4PL is the premier conference for performance and learning professionals. Meet friends and colleagues and make new connections during the full schedule of events.

The conference includes keynote presentations from industry leaders, professional development sessions, networking opportunities, and new technology demos. On Monday evening there is a trade show reception followed by an awards gala.

If you’re coming to the I4PL Conference with new training initiatives in mind, you may want to perform a needs assessment prior to the show. Download your Training Needs Assessment Checklist.


Join TrainingFolks for these two days in Toronto – we look forward to seeing you there!

Topics: top training company, I4PL Conference and Trade Show

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