Successfully Managing Your Remote Workforce
Effectively managing remote employees is sometimes easier said than done for many managers. This is due to things like a lack of technology to support remote workforces, communication barriers between the employee and the manager and in many cases, simply misunderstanding the nuances of managing those that are working remotely as compared to those that are in the office.
Currently just over 50% of the US workforce holds a job that is compatible with at least partial telework. Another 25% of the workforce may request the option to work remotely at some frequency.
As the workforce continues to put more weight on a strong work life balance, working remotely has become quite frequent for many organizations and is not something that can go ignored.
Here at TrainingFolks, we work with our clients to first ensure that they understand what it means to have a true remote workforce or remote working culture in place and then to develop management training to help ensure that it succeeds.
Successful businesses must adapt in order to remain competitive when recruiting and retaining talent and a big part of this is training managers and business leaders on how to effectively manage a remote workforce.
Download this free eBook on 8 Tips to Effectively Managing Your Remote Workforce today and read through key areas of importance.
If you’re looking for additional guidance, information and assistance to create an effective training program for your management team, get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks today.