Posted by Nisha Amin on May 4, 2017 9:30:00 AM



Mobile learning or m-learning is a great way for organizations to keep their workforce in the know in an efficient and up to date manner.

This corporate training delivery tool also speaks to the changing learning styles and needs of an evolving workforce. For example, the average attention span of Canadians has gone down from 12 seconds in 2000 to eight seconds!1 This speaks to many challenges that Instructional Designers are faced with when it comes to planning their content and for facilitators and trainers to deliver longer format content.

Other major changes include technology and mobile phone. More than Baby-Boomers, Millennials consume their content on their mobile devices, which makes it the perfect way to delivery training material and resources.

Remote workforces continue to grow in popularity and training for these groups can become cumbersome and expensive if Learning Leaders depend on traditional in class training for all professional development. Allowing remote workers to receive training on their mobile devices maintains the flexibility of working remotely while still ensuring that the workforce is up to speed on what is happening with regards to changes and updates that are important to their role.

Although mobile learning does offer a number of benefits across a range of industries, it’s still not the final answer for delivery of corporate training and development content. One of the areas for which it does work extremely well however is Sales.

Think about your best sales people. They likely spend most of their day on their mobile device connecting with potential leads, engaging in conversations throughout the day, on the road in meetings with clients or dealing with downtime while they’re waiting for leads to make their way through the sales funnel.

In any case, they are usually on-the-go and on the road, meaning time to spend in formal classroom training sessions is not a popular option. In order to ensure that your sales team is armed with the best in training at their convenience, mobile learning or m-learning is a great tool for organizations to design sales training.

Providing training in an easy to access fashion is not the only reason for organizations to adopt m-learning. 

Download this free eBook on 4 Key Reasons to Take Sales Training Mobile from the global training experts at TrainingFolks.


Making the case to introduce m-learning into your organization can be challenging if your structure, objectives or audience don’t align. The best place to start is with an experienced Instructional Designer who can help you complete a needs assessment and an overview of the current situation at your company. If there is a fit, m-learning can take your engagement levels to new heights as well as significantly increase retention rates and overall performance of your employees.

Keep in mind that mobile learning should not replace the centre of your learning and development program but rather, be used to supplement with quick ongoing updates to keep your sales team as up-to-date as possible especially when they are on the road. 

If your organization is ready to go mobile with its sales training but you’re not sure how to get started, get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks today. 


Our experienced Instructional Designers will walk you through an assessment process, design your program, help with delivery and execution and ensure clear measurement of results.

1 Humans have shorter attention span than goldfish, thanks to smartphones

Topics: mobilelearning

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