Posted by Nisha Amin on Oct 27, 2016 9:30:00 AM

Employee Training vs Employee Onboarding


Employee Training Programs

Here are some creative ways to implement some onboarding techniques into your organization.


Netflix’s top executives, including CEO Reed Hastings, meet with all new hires when they join the organization.5

The Difference Between Employee Onboarding and Corporate Training Programs

There are a number of managers in successful organizations globally that still struggle with the difference between onboarding and training and development of new hires.

Day one, the new employee comes in and takes to learning the ropes for their role with either the hiring manager, the person whose position they are going to be filling or another team member.  As they complete their first week, they know what they need to get the job done but are still struggling to find the best way to access the local coffee shop for their afternoon break.  This new hire has not been onboarded.

Onboarding also known as organizational socialization, refers to the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders.1

Employee training and development on the other hand is defined as a broad term covering multiple kinds of employee learning. Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles.

Here at TrainingFolks, we strive to help our clients clearly define the difference between the two and although there can be some overlap the importance of true onboarding should not go ignored.  Statistics show that 69% of employees are more likely to stay with a company for three years if they experienced great onboarding3 and up to 20% of employee turnover happens in the first 45 days4

Effective onboarding really starts well before the new hire walks in to start their first day on the job and continues on much after they’ve assimilated into the organization.

This helpful guide provides key areas by stage of onboarding to help shape your onboarding program.

TrainingFolks Employee Onboarding Checklist


Instead of waiting until Monday to begin thinking about a new hire, Google’s HR team decided to send out reminder emails to managers the Sunday before a new hire starts.6


The e-commerce footwear juggernaut offers employees a five-week course that teaches them everything they need to know about company culture and values. At the end of the course, employees are offered $2,000 to leave if they don’t think they’re the right fit. Believe it or not, only about 1% of new hires take the money and run.7 

In addition, keep in whom you are onboarding with the techniques that you use.  As Millennials for example continue to populate the workforce, the ability to access important onboarding information online versus on paper or verbally should be a consideration.  Questions around remote working opportunities and procedures may also be top of mind for this group as compared to someone from Generation-X, therefore the information should be made readily available as well.

If you’re looking for further expertise and assistance in developing your robust onboarding program, get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks today.










Topics: onboarding

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