Why Employee Engagement Can Make or Break Your Business
Did you know that almost 88% of employees don’t have passion for their work?
After speaking to colleagues across companies as well as taking a reflecting look back at past organizations that I’ve worked in, the lack of employee engagement is not that surprising.
Major missteps in planning, designing, implementation and measurement of programs, incentives or communications that work to increase engagement are not uncommon whether it be a larger or smaller company.
Think about your organization. Have any of these things happened?
- A new hire starts her first day on the job and finds her hiring manager is running late that day. To make it worse, there is no one else to greet her at reception and when someone on the team finally figured out she was waiting, they were able to take her to her workstation but has not other information for her to get started with the day.
- Managers hold a monthly status meeting with employees to talk about progress and goals however, once the meeting is over there aren’t any follow up steps in place to actually achieve the goals.
- Senior management talks down to employees thinking that the challenges and criticism will actually motivate the team. The problem is that large group of employees don’t have A -type personalities and find the behavior stressful.
All of these examples are true and happened in organizations to real individuals! How can an organization expect to have these individuals come into work day in and out and give 100% of their dedication when they feel disengaged from the organization as a whole?
One of the key aspects of running a successful business is having a highly engaged workforce. When employees are motivated and connected to both the business and their managers businesses will see a number a benefits. These range from higher productivity, to aiding marketing by becoming brand ambassadors, to lower turnover and inevitably, a positive impact on the bottom line.
Many business leaders however, find it quite challenging to identify, assess and then create and implement employee engagement strategies. Where do you start? What’s important? How do you manage the process?
This free eBook from TrainingFolks walks through 10 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement for your organization as well as forces you to evaluate your current engagement strategies.
If you’re considering even for a moment if employee engagement should be on the top of your priority list, consider these statistics from a Towers Perrin Global Workforce Survey.
- Eighty-four percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact the quality of their organization’s products, compared with only 31 percent of the disengaged.
- Seventy-two percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively affect customer service, versus 27 percent of the disengaged.
- Sixty-eight percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared with just 19 percent of the disengaged.
Highly engaged employees help the business grow and should be considered just as important to strategy as your marketing plan, budgets and business development strategies.
For more on how to assess, create or implement your highly effective employee engagement strategy get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks.