Needs Assessment Is Step 1
When speaking with clients here at TrainingFolks, we come across a range of organizational issues that emerge, resulting in a gap between actual performance and desired performance.Some are dealing with a reduction in their workforce. Others are rolling out a new technology across global offices. Then there are some that are experiencing changes in laws and regulations surrounding their industry.
Your organization’s issue can be new or looming but a solution is not attainable until a thorough needs analysis is completed. By doing this you’re able to understand the full picture and more importantly, plan for the required changes to bridge the gap between how the company is performing and the optimal or desired level of performance.
Before moving into designing a training program to help bring back expected levels of performance, you need to consider what kind of training is required, and who needs to be part of the training. There are 7 areas of needs analysis that your organization should consider before moving ahead with any concrete course of action.
Cost-Benefit Analysis.
An effective training program must provide more value than cost to the organization. Analyzing the return on investment of training will ensure that this is answered before moving ahead.
Person Analysis.
This is one of the most important areas of analysis as it deals with all potential participants as well as the instructors that will be providing the training. When conducting person analysis, you’re looking to address questions like who will attend training, what do they currently know on the subject, what are their learning styles and are there changes in policies or software that require further training?
Work analysis / Task Analysis.
Here, you are looking to analyze the main duties and skills required to do the job effectively. What is required of the employee to ensure that the gap between current performance and desired performance is closed?
Performance Analysis.
Similar to work analysis, performance analysis analyzes if employees are up to expected standards. Can you identify a gap in performance that training will help close?
Training Suitability Analysis.
This is one of the most important areas of needs analysis and does the job of answering if training is in fact the solution that your organization is looking for. When you’ve determined that training is definitely going to help to address the issue take the time to then map out your course of action.
This free Training Needs Analysis Checklist will help guide you through key areas.
Organizational Analysis.
This is where you step back and take a look at the organization with regards to its strategies, goals and overall objectives. Clearly define what the organization is striving to accomplish. What is the organization’s history with training and what lessons learned can be utilized from past projects? Have other tactics worked to achieve objectives in the past or based on these answers is training still a viable option for success?
Content Analysis.
Finally, content analysis takes a look at the laws, documents, policies and procedures that are utilized on the job. What resources are used on the job and where does the information currently come from? Looking to a subject matter expert to ensure that the content matches up with the job requirements can also ensure validity in training content.
Remember, your needs analysis is the first step to moving into your instructional design for the project. If this is not intact, everything that follows will be faulty.
As needs analysis can be a time consuming effort when also dealing with day to day projects requiring your attention, looking to an external training partner can help alleviate the pressure while also moving the project along faster. Get in touch with the global training experts at TrainingFolks as your needs assessments emerge and one of our experienced associates will help walk you through next steps.